Helldivers 2: Even the New CEO Hasn’t Been Joining the Fight for Democracy all that Much, with a Pitiful Amount of Hours Recently

Is this enough for the community to greenlight the new CEO?

helldivers 2


  • New CEO Shams Jorjani revealed his Helldivers 2 playtime to address skepticism.
  • Community members have mixed reactions to his involvement and playtime.
  • Jorjani's appointment raises questions about future game development and leadership.
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The war in Helldivers 2 to preserve and spread managed democracy is a long and tedious one that requires a great deal of effort from every soldier involved. However, not everyone’s been pulling their weight to contribute to the war efforts.


After Shams Jorjani, the new CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios, revealed his total playtime and that of the last two weeks, some people seemingly have a bone to pick with him.

Arrowhead’s New CEO Hasn’t Played Much Helldivers 2

Jorjani reveals how much Helldivers 2 he's played.
Jorjani reveals how much Helldivers 2 he’s played.

Arrowhead’s previous CEO, Johan Pilestedt, was and still is a very beloved member of the community; he would regularly reply to tweets, engage in open and honest discussions, and call out anyone who needed to be humbled.


It was refreshing to see someone in a position like his while also being such an active and contributing member of the game’s community.

So, when he announced he was stepping down from the position, it sent shockwaves across the community. Not to worry, he’s very much still working on the game as the new Chief Creative Officer.

It was still shocking, though; it’s not every day you see someone demote themselves and give up so much power to have more creative control over their product.


When Shams Jorjani took over as Arrowhead CEO, people were skeptical. Many wondered what his credentials were to be qualified to take over such a large and popular project, and to his credit, the new boss openly shared his Helldivers 2 play statistics on his X/Twitter account.

With almost 48 hours of playtime, people felt relieved to see he had experience with Helldivers 2. However, one player called him out on his short play time over the past few weeks.

Jorjani had the perfect reason, though. He says that he was “a bit busy,” probably because he was just announced as the new CEO only around a week ago.


It’s no wonder he’s been taking time off to fight for democracy. The call-out was all in good jest, as the original reply laughed and said it was fair.

How Do Helldivers Feel About the New Arrowhead CEO?

There are a lot of mixed reactions, but the community seems hopeful for change.
There are a lot of mixed reactions, but the community seems hopeful for change.

A lot of the replies under Jorjani’s original post were quick to post their playtime as a way of throwing shade. One user felt that his low playtime was worrying, if anything.

For others, seeing that Jorjani had at least played the game for more than a few minutes was more than enough reassurance.


One X/Twitter user congratulates Jorjani while shading the rest of the Arrowhead team, saying that the balancing in the game felt like nobody had picked it up and given it a go themselves.

It seems there are a lot of heated opinions on this topic, and it remains to be seen whether Jorjani’s involvement will make a big difference to the game.

What is your opinion on Arrowhead’s new CEO? How do you think it’ll affect Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments below!


Written by Vibha Hegde

Articles Published: 332

Vibha is an avid gamer that has been in the content writing space for over three years. With a Bachelors in Computer Applications, Vibha chooses to explore their passion for pop culture and gaming. When not hunkered over a controller trying to beat the Demon of Hatred in Sekiro, you can find Vibha relaxing to jazz during a digital painting session.