“Hold that note. When are we getting…”: Helldivers 2 Fans Can’t Help Themselves as They’re Still Unhappy

The Helldivers 2 community is waiting on any improvements for the in-game enemy variety.

Helldivers 2


  • The gaming community cornered the Helldivers 2 director about the potential of adding new enemy types to the game.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios is bringing back older enemy factions from the original game to the sequel.
  • Helldivers 2 could improve in the enemy faction department to avoid losing the interest of the fans.
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Helldivers 2 is a massive triumph developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5 and PC platforms. The gaming community has spent countless hours fighting different species of aliens that intend to take away the freedom of the people of Super Earth.


The gaming community has experienced first-hand what it is like to be on the frontlines of the Second Galactic War fighting against different enemy factions. It has grown tired of fighting the same enemy types. Some players are eager to see major improvements to the enemy variety for a fresh experience.

The Helldivers 2 Player Base Is Tired of the Endless Cycle of Killing the Same Enemies

Impalers in Helldivers 2
A bug launches an acid attack towards the Helldivers.
Helldivers 2 combat
An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2.

Arrowhead Game Studios has struck gold with the series and incorporated the live service structure that would bring together the PlayStation and PC communities. Director Johan Pilestedt teased that the next major update would feature new and old enemy factions in Helldivers 2; however, the gaming community failed to see any improvements.


Some players have stumbled upon the casualties of the First Galactic War scattered across different planets.

The original game featured a fair few enemy factions and so does the sequel; director Johan Pilestedt took the opportunity to ask the gaming community about the recent reintroduction of the Impalers and the fans did not miss a beat by asking when new enemies be available to shoot.

It wasn’t long ago when the Bile Charger and Impaler from the original game were said to be making a comeback and struck a nerve with the gaming community who prefers to fight something far less stressful like bugs and Automatons. Perhaps the developers intended to slowly roll out classic enemy factions to allow the community to adjust accordingly.


Enemy variety is essential for a live service game and some players are waiting for the developers to do better in this department. There are rumblings of the Illuminate potentially lurking in the shadows after the recent events at Operation: Enduring Peace; however, some naysayers claim that they have been wiped out for a while and it is all propaganda to spread paranoia.

The Gaming Community Is Waiting on the Helldivers 2 Illuminate Update

The player base is ready for more Helldivers 2 new enemies in the future.
The player base is ready for new Helldivers 2 enemies in the future. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

New enemy types will mean more challenges for the gaming community to face and fight together. Increasing the enemy variety will also increase the entertainment factor and players will be encouraged to play in longer gaming sessions with friends.

Reusing older assets and character models from the original game is a great creative choice made by the developers, but the people are after something new and never before seen. The Terminid may be gone and it could have paved the way for the Illuminate to return, but something new wouldn’t be bad for the game.


Arrowhead Game Studios should consider creating new enemy factions for the future. There is a chance that players will likely lose interest if they are stuck in a rinse and repeat scenario with the game.

Would you like new Helldivers 2 enemies? Let us know in the comment section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 744

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.