“It’s not there at all”: Helldivers 2 Should Turn to Hitman for 1 Idea That’d Make Each Planet Feel More Distinct

The Helldivers 2 community thinks the developers should apply this one feature from the Hitman franchise.

helldivers 2-hitman


  • The gaming community thinks that mission intel is a much more valuable reward in Helldivers 2.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios should take inspiration from other games and integrate ideas into theirs.
  • Helldivers 2 players are starting to take the planning phases of this game much more seriously.
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Helldivers 2 is a great live service game experience from Arrowhead Game Studios but the game is far from perfect. The gaming community is having fun with the current features and mechanics the developers have implemented but believes there is room for improvement.


The game developers could improve the in-game mission preparations if there were a feature where the players could learn more about the enemies they face and better prepare before deployment ahead of time. This could be a major game-changer and help players have a smoother experience.

Helldivers 2 Players Want to Be Informed Before Being Thrown Into Battle

Helldivers 2 players hope the Ministry of Truth will brief them better before a mission. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios
Helldivers 2 players hope the Ministry of Truth will brief them better before a mission. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Arrowhead Game Studios has developed the perfect live service experience where the gaming community can feel like they are fighting an intergalactic war. Some fresh recruits are being deployed in the heart of the fight with enough firepower but not intel to customize their load-outs in Helldivers 2 which often leads to hilarious moments like coincidentally blowing up an enemy at the same time with rockets.


Some fans think developers should include intel and other vital information about an enemy faction as an additional reward for accomplishing missions like weaknesses, similar to the popular game: Hitman. It would fit the narrative and offer a smoother transition for players to adjust for the coming fight.

The gaming community recently discovered a solution on how to sneak through Shrieker territory in stealth and unscathed that could shift the tide in their favor. Throwing smoke bombs and other related stratagems to block their vision and for the squad to strike in unison. The weakness of this enemy type is their poor vision and players could use it to their advantage.

Intel Is the Currency and Should Be Emphasized in Helldivers 2

Being informed increases the chances of a successful run in Helldivers 2. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.
Being informed increases the chances of a successful run in Helldivers 2. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

Knowledge is power and the developers have greatly underestimated the fact that this kind of incentive would motivate players to play more often. If players can figure out what kind of enemy resides on a certain planet and select the right gear or weapon type to have on their person.


Some fans believed that the game lacked one weapon type to complete the set and called it the Pulsar Cannon. The weapon could offer a great alternative for players to take on multiple threats from a distance and open fire a powerful beam of attacks.

However, some make fun of other player’s weapons of choice like the Stalwart build. Rather than encouraging fellow players to explore and get experimental, toxicity reigns supreme and that would lead to bullying, name-calling, and other verbal abuse that will discourage the victims from playing.

Arrowhead Game Studios should consider taking inspiration from other franchises, especially when ideas and concepts will complement one another and elevate the gaming experience. Players like to be a few steps ahead and have the right gear equipped rather than going out in the field unprepared.


Would you like a headstart and be briefed before being deployed in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 632

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.