“Technically impressive, visually stunning and horribly scary”: Helldivers 2’s Johan Pilestedt Celebrates the Anniversary of the Scariest Game in a Decade

This popular industry figure surprises by celebrating a big anniversary.

Helldivers 2


  • Johan Pilestedt, one of the creatives behind Helldivers 2, celebrates a big anniversary.
  • On his X account, Pilestedt took the opportunity to congratulate the team behind Alien Isolation on their tenth anniversary since the game's release.
  • The popular action title's director speaks highly of this horror game, calling it one of the best currently available.
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One of the main reasons for Helldivers 2‘s success is the community management, and the relationship Johan Pilestedt has built with the players. Thanks to his efforts, the social media presence of this game has grown significantly, drawing in many players due to its popularity on the X platform. 


On Pilestedt’s personal account, he often posts about things unrelated to the game, such as his enthusiasm for a particular horror game. Recently, the team behind Alien: Isolation celebrated its tenth anniversary, and Pilestedt congratulated the studio for creating a fantastic horror game.

Johan Pilestedt, the Main Force Behind Helldivers 2, Celebrates the Anniversary of a Great Horror Game

Amanda Ripley looking for the Xenomorph.
Alien Isolation is an amazing horror game, according to Helldivers 2‘s Johan Pilestedt. Image via SEGA.

Thanks to excellent social media management, largely due to Johan Pilestedt’s positive participation, Helldivers 2 has become even more popular. Pilestedt’s relationship with the community makes the game feel like it speaks directly to its players.


He achieves this through his X account, which he manages very well and constantly updates with new posts, both related and unrelated to the game.

In a recent post, Pilestedt congratulated the team behind Alien: Isolation on celebrating their tenth anniversary since the game’s release. The studio behind this game, The Creative Assembly, primarily worked on the Total War series.

Will Porter, who oversaw Project Zomboid and contributed to Isolation, authored the original post. This post became very popular because of the game’s high quality.


One of the Best Horror Titles of the Past Decade

The bugs are coming.
Helldivers 2 community is waiting for a big change. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios.

Pilestedt praised the team and the game, saying it was technically impressive and created a spectacular horror atmosphere, generating real fear.

The creative from Helldivers 2 has frequently expressed his passion for a variety of popular games, and he is also well-known for his avid interest in Warhammer 40K. Many fans of Alien Isolation have been waiting for a sequel for years, with no news about it.

In 2014, SEGA released this game to excellent reviews and sales. Instead of allowing players to kill the iconic alien, the main objective was to avoid discovery and escape through every possible corner of the ship.


The game featured the daughter of the iconic Ellen Ripley, who had gone missing. Exploring various locations seemingly under attack by a strange entity was one of the player’s goals.

Meanwhile, Helldivers 2 fans are waiting for the studio to finally release the new Warbond, which currently has no release date. Arrowhead Game Studios had clarified that the developer would focus on improving the quality of this content, which is why they would not release a new one every month.

The community generally hopes that this game will introduce significant changes in various mechanics and stop being so repetitive. What are your thoughts on Alien: Isolation? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 816

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.