Helldivers 2 May Not End Up With 1 Obvious Change as Johan Pilestedt Declares: “It could be way too complicated to make it understandable for gamers…”

The Pelican is a Super Citizen too!

helldivers 2


  • Someone suggested an idea about Pelicans being a better part of the gameplay in Helldivers 2.
  • Even though Johan Pilestedt appreciates the idea, he admits it could get complicated.
  • The game already has quite a few complex mechanics, and till will tell how it all evolves.
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Helldivers 2 opens a large playground for all that can go right (and wrong) in battle. The flashing of several weapon types, the roars of explosions, and enemy AI that wants nothing more than to see you dead… the game can be a lot of things.


Sometimes, dedicated players find ways of improving experiences that are already great. One such recommendation hasn’t left the mind of Arrowhead’s CEO, Johan Pilestedt. Even though this idea sounds way too cool on paper, it’s more than just a ‘little complicated‘ for the game.

Imagine if the Pelican Would Be Part of the Battle!

Helldivers 2 enemies
Would be cool having your own ship look after you in battle.

Earlier on Twitter, user Helldivers 2 Media made a surprisingly impressive suggestion for a gameplay improvement that would drastically change how things work. Instead of simply calling in stratagems, what if the Pelican (yes, a helldiver’s very own ship) would actually become part of the fight?


This suggestion entailed that the Pelican could be called amidst battle, and would help the player just like an airstrike or a similar air support. Furthermore, the Pelican could act just like a familiar stratagem but would feel and look much cooler given how the game’s narrative works.

As wonderful of an idea as this is, Pilestedt has his own doubts. Even though he appreciates the idea, the thing is, the entire process of calling in a Pelican and expecting it to work like a field buddy would tangle up with other players. After all, the Pelican is a ship that’s being piloted by the host (in a way).


How Complex Can Helldivers 2 Get?

Helldivers 2 graphics
Arrowhead might just have some complex plans for the game’s future.

Given the nature of its core gameplay loop, Helldivers 2 isn’t particularly tough to get into. Anyone who has been familiar with co-op shooters will find it simple to get into the game, even though mastering it is a different conversation altogether. But, the question remains… what are the heights Helldivers 2 is willing to hit when it comes to complexity?

While having a Pelican help you out in the game may seem a bit too much, there are already a dozen things in the game that may confuse you. Take for example the enemy types. Based on the planet and its terrain, you’re going to cross paths with some of the meanest and most brutal enemy AI that’s offered by the game.

In fact, taking up the challenge a bit only makes things more complicated. Unless a Helldiver is openly communicating with another player, missions can be challenging, and keeping enemy hordes at bay can prevent the team from progressing.


Even though Helldivers 2 is pretty much an example of a live-service game done right, we’ll have to wait and see how its complexity evolves through the years.

Do you think the Pelican idea could work well in the game? What are some of the complex mechanics you admire in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 533

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.