Helldivers 2: Johan Pilestedt Needs to Add 1 Mission Type to Keep the Fun (and Mind-bending Terror) Alive

This idea would be very divisive!

Helldivers 2


  • Helldivers 2 is a title that received a lot of praise from fans since its release.
  • Recently, though, it has also been on the receiving end of a lot of criticism.
  • A Twitter account recently posted a mission suggestion for the title and it left fans divided.
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Fighting for democracy in Helldivers 2 is incredibly fun. Moreover, since the game is live service, it regularly offers new content for fans. Additionally, it seems to have found a way to avoid predatory microtransactions that usually plague multiplayer titles.


The dev team has also been very receptive to player input; with the game’s director directly asking the players what they want from the game. While the game is fun, if Arrowhead were to include this one suggestion by a player, it would be even more enthralling.

Helldivers 2 Player Suggests a Mission That Feels Straight Out of a Sci-Fi Movie

Helldivers 2 still lacks helldiving in the truest sense.
Helldivers 2 still lacks helldiving in the truest sense.

Helldivers 2‘s players have been critical and appreciative of the title at different times. For example, the recent patch for the game set out to fix issues but unfortunately broke it even further. Thus, it wasn’t well-received by players, and they minced no words when they addressed it.


Several players have made suggestions on the game’s subreddit and other social media platforms like Twitter. A Twitter page called ‘Helldivers Alerts’ recently posted a mission suggestion for the Arrowhead game, which would, turn the game’s chaos to eleven. The mission is similar to demolition missions seen in various dystopian sci-fi movies.

This is what the page posted on Twitter:

It is fascinating to think how this mission if added, would be received by players, especially when Arrowhead has its work cut for it, and it involves fixing the game before adding new content. Regardless, the mission does sound exciting.


What Players Thought of the Helldivers 2 Mission Suggestion

Helldivers 2 is already chaotic enough, so opinions on the mission are mixed.
Helldivers 2 is already chaotic enough, so opinions on the mission are mixed.

Johan Pilestedt and the entire Helldivers 2 team has been hard at work ever since the game was released, to ensure a pleasant experience for fans. Despite the recent controversy surrounding the game and increased criticism from players, it is still doing well for itself, even if it is not where it once was in terms of hype and player retention.

The mission suggestion linked above fared well on Twitter, but the comment section saw a mixed bag of responses from fans. For example, some fans stated that to deploy missions like this, the team would have to go back to the drawing board and redesign the game maps:

On the other hand, some fans opposed a mission of such nature, stating that Helldivers 2 already makes them suffer enough from swarming. And some even drew parallels to the Hivebusters DLC for Gears of War:


Some others were indifferent to the idea of such a mission:

Some people also connected the dots and stated that this is what healing means, and such a mission would make a fine addition to Helldivers 2. However, they also suggested the chances of it being added are slim:

It is interesting to imagine how fans would react if something like this pops up in Helldivers 2. But in all fairness, the game team should ideally focus on fixing current issues.


What do you think of this mission type and the game’s current state? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Sparsh Jaimini

Articles Published: 427

Sparsh Jaimini Sharma is a video games enthusiast and a Games Writer. A true white-blooded Madridsta. He is often seen grinding away at EAFC 24's Ultimate team and learning to code when he is not writing. A Batman fan and Arkham Games connoisseur. He is the quintessential DC aficionado.