“Sounds like pointless flexing”: Helldivers 2 Needs to Avoid 1 Toxic Feature That’d Make Everyone Forget the Teamwork of the Game

The gaming community is not in favor of adding a scoreboard in Helldivers 2 to lessen the toxicity.

Helldivers 2 Teamwork


  • The gaming community is not in favor of an in-game leaderboard for kills in Helldivers 2.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios should avoid making the same mistakes that other game developers made.
  • Helldivers 2 players are avoiding to make the game any more toxic than it already is.
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Helldivers 2 is a live service game about the importance of fighting for democracy against ruthless enemy factions from above. The gaming community often fails to realize that this game was meant to be played as a team and wild cards could compromise a mission.


The developers underestimated the gap in skill levels within the gaming community. Some players excel greatly compared to others and will most likely have an overinflated ego that would push fellow players and a superiority complex which is not ideal for a live service game.

Helldivers 2 Could Get Even More Toxic if This Feature Is Added

Winning is only fun in Helldivers 2 if players set each other up for success and work together.
Winning is only fun in Helldivers 2 if players set each other up for success and work together. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Arrowhead Game Studios took a different approach with the live service genre and rather than have players fight against one another for victory, players will set aside petty grievances with random allies to win and fight another day. The gaming community is becoming more self-aware after other players requested more gas-based weapons in Helldivers 2, claiming the community is toxic enough.


While there is nothing wrong with friendly competition, some players can get too aggressive and competitive which will players looking for a good time in a rough spot. In-game scoreboards can be used as a gauge or metric to identify players excelling better than the rest which could fuel their egos and lead to more toxicity.

byu/RealWholesomeAccount from discussion

Rather than working together to win as a team, other players will lose sight of the bigger picture and only help themselves and abandon their allies in a match. Kills will now be used as a new form of bragging rights for players to flaunt and shove in the faces of others.

Arrowhead Game Studios could modify this idea to fit the vision of winning together. Perhaps the developers could tweak this feature and rather than count individual kills, combined kills of a squad will be counted and could motivate players to pull their weight.


Leaderboards for Kills Will Likely Kill the Essence of Helldivers 2

Teamwork makes the dream work and not the other way around.
Teamwork makes the dream work and not the other way around. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Director Johan Pilestedt envisioned creating a perfect online multiplayer game where players can play together and be kind to one another. Adding a leaderboard for self-indulgence is something not included in his grand design.

Toxic gaming culture is growing at an unprecedented rate and this is not the future that most game developers intended. Competition is good but can take players on a dark path and will prefer to play their games their way rather than how it was meant to be.

Arrowhead Game Studios should not follow the same path other game developers are taking their games. Nurturing a gaming community of competitive players will take away all the fun and will ruin the experience of others.


Adding a leaderboard will motivate players to do better but not everyone is on the same level and will likely be left behind. Winning will feel better if players can work together and reach the top as a team.

Would you like an in-game leaderboard system in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 695

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.