“Being an Automaton main is suffering”: Helldivers 2 Makes Zero Attempt at Hiding Who the Real Bad Guys Are With Clear Favouritism in Major Order Rewards

It seems fighting the Automatons in Helldivers 2 is a thankless job for many players!

Helldiver's 2


  • The Helldivers 2 player base appears to prefer fighting the Terminids as compared to the Automatons.
  • One Redditor has detailed how fighting on the Automaton front now feels like a meaningless objective.
  • They detail how every win of a Major Order is soon made inconsequential by the Automatons taking even more territory.
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Helldivers 2 requires the player base to wage wars on several fronts, all for the glory and supremacy of Super Earth. Whether it’s bugs, bots, or some other threat, the Helldivers must ensure each is dealt with before they reach Super Earth.


Sadly, this doesn’t seem to be how it’s going down. With a majority of the focus on one particular battlefront, the Automatons are meeting little to no resistance. The players who do engage the bots are now feeling battle fatigue set in, and one Redditor has taken to the forum to pen their thoughts.

Players Feeling Dejected By Automaton Major Orders in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 players are not interested in fighting bots!
Helldivers 2 players are not interested in fighting bots!

A Major Order is a cause for concern in Helldivers 2. While it means there is a significant threat that must be dealt with, it also entails new gear and bonuses to be won for successful missions. The Major Orders on the Terminid front are quickly scooped up, but the ones on the Automaton front face much more resistance.


It is a well-known fact in the Helldivers 2 community that most of the player base prefers Terminid missions over those involving Automatons. This is likely due to the initial missions against the bots, which felt very difficult and thus turned most players away from this warfront. The bots have since been tuned for more balance through updates, but it has not helped bring in more support.

Redditor CouldBeBetterTBH has taken to the game’s subreddit to share his grievances about how it feels to be someone who mostly plays Automaton missions. Not only does it feel like losing a battle, but the ones they do win seem to have little to no effect on the overall progression of the war.

byu/CouldBeBetterTBH from discussion

They share that whatever progress was made on the front was eliminated by the Automatons moving into their territory with ease. They even go on to create a detailed list of every successful major order and how the victory was nullified within a week of it being achieved. If this continues, the Automaton front may be abandoned for the Terminid missions altogether.


Helldivers 2 Needs to Rebalance and Rework Content Within the Game

Helldivers must band together to fight for Super Earth!
Helldivers must band together to fight for Super Earth!

The post may be a sign that Arrowhead needs to rework the Automaton front and make it feel more balanced for players. On top of being heavily criticized for their new Viper Commandos Warbond, the studio is catching flak from the community for a rocky gameplay experience due to several bugs and glitches.

One of the more recent ones is the ineffective working of the Superior Packing Methodology upgrade. While it claims to resupply Support Weapons to maximum capacity, players state it does not perform as expected. Twinbeard said the team is looking into it and will clarify the functioning of the upgrade soon.

Given Arrowhead has stated it will take longer to create and release Warbonds, the studio now has more time and resources on hand to direct toward fixing these issues. Hopefully, new patches will be released quicker to help not only resolve bugs but also make the bots easier to deal with!


What has been your experience on the Automaton front? Let us know in the comments below!

Sagar Nerala

Written by Sagar Nerala

Articles Published: 322

Gaming was one of my earliest passions then along came writing, and here we are. I've been in the content creation space for several years now and as gamer for even longer. From understanding the complexities of a multilayer narrative to the simply joy of "big gun go boom", my goal is to capture all the emotions in between and put them down in an engaging manner.