“100% accuracy every game”: Helldivers 2 Player With a Foolproof Strategy May Be The Only One Playing This Way, But It Works

Is this the ultimate way to spread managed democracy, or just managed madness?

Helldivers 2


  • A Helldivers 2 player claims to dominate matches using only turrets, achieving "100% accuracy" by firing a single bullet each game.
  • The community reacts with a mix of confusion, amusement, and attempts to explain why this strategy might not be as effective as the player thinks.
  • While creative, this approach may not contribute much to team objectives in a cooperative game like Helldivers 2.
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In the war-torn galaxy of Helldivers 2, where brave soldiers fight tirelessly to spread managed democracy, one player has devised a strategy so bizarre that it just might work. Or not. Reddit user u/TheSameOldClown has proudly declared that “Shooting is pointless” in a post that’s leaving fellow Helldivers scratching their heads and questioning everything they thought they knew about intergalactic warfare.


Our ingenious strategist claims to have cracked the code to dominating the battlefield in Helldivers 2, but is this truly the path to victory, or simply a misguided attempt at glory?

The Turret Tactician: A New Meta for Helldivers 2?

Image of a mortar sentry turret in Helldivers 2.
The Mortar Sentry of Helldivers 2. | Image via PlayStation YouTube Channel

Our aspiring strategist shared their groundbreaking approach in a recent Reddit post on the r/Helldivers subreddit:


Now, before you rush to replace your Helldiver’s current Stratagems and embrace this revolutionary tactic, let’s take a moment to appreciate the sheer audacity of this approach. It’s like showing up to a Super-Earth barbecue with a spork and declaring yourself the master of culinary warfare!

And, as you might expect, the Helldivers 2 community, known for their commitment to spreading democracy throughout the galaxy, had some thoughts about this groundbreaking strategy.

One Redditor gently pointed out the flaw in this master plan:

byu/TheSameOldClown from discussion

To which ikarn15 fired back with biting sarcasm:

byu/TheSameOldClown from discussion

Spreading Democracy or Spreading Confusion?

Helldivers 2 screenshot featuring two teammates working together to fire an FAF-14 Spear missile launcher.
u/TheSameOldCrown needs to be reported to the democracy officer ASAP! | Image Credit: PlayStation YouTube Channel

As any seasoned Helldiver knows, Helldivers 2 is all about teamwork and completing objectives. While our turret-loving friend might be racking up impressive numbers, their contribution to the team’s overall success is questionable at best.

When challenged by a player who actually completes objectives, our strategic genius offered this pearl of wisdom:

byu/TheSameOldClown from discussion

At this point, it’s hard to tell if we’re witnessing the birth of a new meta or the most elaborate troll in the game’s history. Either way, it’s certainly… something.

While we can appreciate the creativity (and the impressive accuracy stats), it’s worth remembering that Helldivers 2 is a “cooperative” game. Your teammates might appreciate it if you occasionally contributed to objectives or, you know, actually shot at something! The developers at Arrowhead Game Studios have crafted a game that thrives on teamwork and coordination, not solo turret shenanigans.

But hey, if setting up four sentries and watching the numbers go up is your idea of spreading democracy, who are we to judge? Just don’t be surprised if your fellow squadmates start “accidentally” dropping orbital strikes on your position!


So, brave Helldivers, will you embrace the way of the turret, or will you continue to use those pesky, pointless guns? Let us know in the comments below, preferably with 100% accuracy!


Written by Soumyajit Mukherjee

Articles Published: 62

Soumyajit (ign: LockDown) is a die-hard PC gamer with a passion for competitive FPS games, having played Rainbow Six Siege at a competitive level in the past. For nearly two years, he has turned his love for gaming and writing into a profession, delivering the latest gaming news and guides to his readers. And when he is not writing or dominating the lobby in Call of Duty or Valorant, you can find him in theaters watching the latest comic book films or binge-watching anime and thriller flicks!