“Fun if they did limited events with effects like that”: Helldivers 2 is Clearly Missing an Opportunity to Earn Some Easy Goodwill with Players

The gaming community has yet another great idea for Helldivers 2 and Arrowhead Game Studios should consider it.

helldivers 2


  • The gaming community hopes to see limited events in Helldivers 2 that can happen over weekends.
  • Arrowhead Game Studios is struggling to keep up with producing new content and patching the game simultaneously.
  • Helldivers 2 is a fun game but could use some improvements that can appeal to the gaming community.
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Helldivers 2 is an online multiplayer game developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5 and PC platforms. The community grew at an exponential rate and some players have an idea of how to generate even more goodwill.


Video games are meant to be enjoyed and despite the game’s tense nature and theme, the developers should consider adding more fun game modes occasionally. The gaming community suggested limited-time events, a strategy used by many other live service games, and is doing wonders.

Entertainment Should Be a Priority for the Next Helldivers 2 Major Order


Arrowhead Game Studios has been in the slump for the past few months and it is high time for the developers to bounce back and recover by putting out great content.


Recent leaks have reportedly shown the developers are working on new prototype weapons inspired by the technology provided by the Illuminate in Helldivers 2. This is the type of content the gaming community is into and should be a priority moving forward.

Some fans suggested that the developers should consider following one live service trope and that is to host limited events. The present game modes and mission types are entertaining, but it would be best if the developers think outside the box and let the community have fun on their own terms.

byu/WebWarrior45 from discussion

Other live service games benefitted from limited-time events that attracted the gaming community towards them and ended up having the time of their lives. Perhaps this could save Arrowhead Game Studios from the hole it is in and the solution to the content drought.


The developers have limited options but there should always be room for growth. The support of the gaming community is not infinite, it would be best to avoid the players who have had enough cannon fodder content and are unsatisfied with what they see. The player count will likely significantly drop which is not ideal for an online live service title.

Helldivers 2 Should Allow Players to Do Fun Things Outside the Parameters of the Mission Objectives

The developers should prioritize making Helldivers 2 both fun and stable.
The developers should prioritize making Helldivers 2 both fun and stable. Image Credit: Arrowhead Game Studios

Limited events are an opportunity to spike the daily active player count and reward the community with rare gear. These rewards will incentivize their active participation and could become a trend for the developers to host at least once a week.

The current formula is working but there is nothing wrong to spice up the experience. Other game developers like Saber Interactive are inspired by the success of Arrowhead Game Studios and how the studio handled content and mission variety.


Perhaps the studio can use the wrinkles in the current code to the game’s advantage. Fans suggested that the firepower of different weapons is maxed out and up the ante with a chaotic match fighting to survive and for players to save themselves like emoting mid-air to avoid dying from fall damage.

There is a ton of potential and great ideas for limited events that Arrowhead Game Studios can choose from. This will likely appeal to the gaming community and allow the studio to remain on its good side and receive more praise and support.

What are your suggestions for limited events in Helldivers 2? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 739

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.