“Excuse me Joel, wtf?”: Helldivers 2’s Many Problems Highlighted in a Single Image

Players are surprised to see this mission design.

helldivers 2 issues


  • Players have noticed a bizarre and difficult mission design in Helldivers 2.
  • A Reddit user noticed that the studio placed three jammers in a triangle formation to prevent players from calling stratagems.
  • It seems the studio might be trolling players and it could bring fun back to the game.
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The Helldivers 2 community is well-accustomed to the constant challenges the studio throws their way. Players have faced thousands of extremely difficult missions with everything against them, yet they have still managed to overcome adversity. 


However, a player recently revealed in a Reddit post that the studio appears to be mocking its own players through the design of one of these missions. This user posted an image that clearly shows jammers aligned in truly impossible positions, preventing the use of any stratagems.

A New Secret Strategy Has Been Implemented to Complicate the Lives of Helldivers 2 Players

An in-game screenshot of Helldivers 2.

Quickly establishing itself as one of the most active communities regarding games as a service, Helldivers 2 players have managed to closely connect with the game developers, providing constant feedback to improve the title.


This has made the initial phases very positive, attracting many more players to this democracy-fighting game.

Despite the positive relationship Arrowhead Game Studios has with players, they have noticed that some mission designs are unnecessarily complicated.

Excuse me Joel, WTF??? I can’t even call my local democracy officer because of this.
byu/AdmiralNam inHelldivers

In a recent Reddit post, a player noted how a mission included three signal blockers to prevent calling stratagems, forming a sort of Bermuda Triangle. Clearly, the community is not pleased about this.


An Urgent Adjustment Is Needed in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 screenshot
Helldivers 2 players think the studio is trolling them. Image via Arrowhead Game Studios

Upon noticing this, a Helldivers 2 user voiced a clear complaint, questioning why the studio would design missions in this manner. Quickly, many other users joined the complaint, saying they had encountered this before and that it’s not the first time the development team has done such things.

They always seem to provoke the community by creating more complicated-than-usual missions. Beyond this complaint, players are well aware when facing different missions. As a result, the community consistently strives to communicate with and inform players about these issues.

byu/AdmiralNam from discussion

Fans of this title always unite to achieve a common goal, as evidenced by their completion of all Major Order-type missions. Helldivers 2 has a generally high difficulty level, and undertaking such missions can be quite challenging for any player, even the most veteran ones.


Therefore, the fans’ complaint is valid in this case, as the absence of stratagems makes completing any mission quite challenging. Despite these new mission designs, players will adapt and continue spreading democracy.

What are your thoughts on the studio’s actions? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 759

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.