“It’s an ugly planet. A bug planet”: After Star Wars Mod, Helldivers 2 ‘Propaganda’ Video Will Convince You We Need Starship Troopers Mod Too

Helldivers 2 x Starship Troopers needs to happen.

helldivers 2, starship troopers


  • Helldivers 2 and Starship Troopers share a darkly humorous exploration of fighting giant bugs wrapped in social commentary.
  • There's talk of a crossover between the two with both game developer and Starship Troopers actor showing interest.
  • In-game content inspired by Starship Troopers and drawing in new fans for both franchises is a possibility.
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The influence of Paul Verhoeven’s cult classic Starship Troopers is undeniable in 2024’s live-service darling Helldivers 2. Both share a darkly humorous exploration of humanity’s struggle against giant insectoid foes, wrapped in a package of over-the-top patriotism and biting social commentary.


This thematic connection hasn’t gone unnoticed by fans, to say the least, and a potential crossover has been encouraged by both Arrowhead and Starship Trooper actors. While there’s nothing to go by officially, one fan-made video is the perfect crossover between the two.

Helldivers 2‘s Spear Sees A Hilarious Utilization In The Video

There are too many commonalities between the two franchises to not have a crossover | Arrowhead
There are too many commonalities between the two franchises to not have a crossover | Arrowhead

Shared on the r/helldivers2 community on Reddit, the video is edited as a typical Starship Troopers-esque propaganda piece, but hilariously uses the spear in Helldivers 2 as the camera, showing various scenes of soldiers fighting against Terminids.


Live from the Front Lines, would you like to know more?
byu/Tiniestoftravelers inhelldivers2

Beyond the surface similarities of space marines battling bugs, though, Helldivers 2 and Starship Troopers share a satirical core. The film cleverly critiques militarism and propaganda through its depiction of a dystopian society that glorifies violence and war.

Helldivers 2 amplifies this message by exaggerating the nationalistic fervor, with players serving as expendable soldiers for a dubious cause – the “Galactic War” where Super Earth liberates planets from invasive alien factions like the Terminids, Automatons, and soon, the Illuminate.


What A Starship Troopers Crossover Could Look Like

Weapons and gear from the movie could be offered as cosmetics in Helldivers 2 | Tristar
Weapons and gear from the movie could be offered as cosmetics in Helldivers 2 | Tristar

The potential for a crossover between Helldivers 2 and Starship Troopers has long been requested by fans. This possibility gained significant traction after Casper Van Dien, the actor who portrayed Johnny Rico in the film, expressed his interest in playing the game and even a potential crossover movie.

Fueling the speculation further, Arrowhead CEO and Helldivers 2 director Johan Pilestedt also engaged in a playful social media exchange with Van Dien, hinting at the developers’ openness to the idea.


This collaboration could take several forms, with in-game content like armor and weapons inspired by Starship Troopers being the likeliest possibility. Players could wield iconic weapons from the film, face off against redesigned enemies resembling the movie’s Arachnids, or customize their Helldivers with armor reminiscent of the Mobile Infantry.

Sony owns the Starship Troopers IP, so a Helldivers 2 crossover would be very easy | Arrowhead
Sony owns the Starship Troopers IP, so a Helldivers 2 crossover would be very easy to pull off | Arrowhead

With how much inspiration Helldivers 2 borrows from Starship Troopers, and a healthy amount of interest from the fans, the game’s developer, and the film’s cast, a crossover of the two sci-fi comedies in the future is quite likely. Moreover, since Sony owns both the Helldivers and film’s IPs, the opportunity is ripe for the picking.


A crossover not only offers a unique chance to expand upon the satirical elements of both franchises, but could also draw in new fans to both of them. As of right now, it’s unknown if something like this is in the works, but we wouldn’t be surprised if it is.


Written by Viraaj Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 247

A lifelong gamer, lover of cars, and Master's student of Automotive Journalism, Viraaj Bhatnagar is a gaming writer at FandomWire who aims to be one of the greats. When he's not hunched over on his laptop typing out copy, he can be found lapping circuits in Gran Turismo or slaying draugr in God of War.