Helldivers 2’s Biggest Illuminate Hint Yet has Been Uncovered, and It’s Time to Try and Fix that Black Hole

A familiar threat is about to resurface.

helldivers 2


  • Players have the caused a black hole to emerge in Helldivers 2.
  • The Illuminate theme song can be heard in the game.
  • Arrowhead is hinting at the arrival of a familiar alien species soon.
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Helldivers 2 keeps things interesting by giving players new missions and incentives to work towards, and seasonal updates are a huge factor in this. As of late, there’s an incoming threat to the game’s universe, and players have involuntarily done something that might trigger an event further down the line.


The Illuminate (an alien race from the previous game) is about to make a comeback, and a player has found yet another hint that it’s time helldivers started preparing themselves.

Helldivers 2 Players Created Something They’re Not Ready For

The game is about to witness the arrival of an old enemy.
The game is about to witness the arrival of an old enemy.

Another day, another mission for Helldivers to test their mettle. Except, one mission felt eerily different when things went super wrong. As it turns out, when players were tasked with freeing the Meridia supercolony of Terminids, things took a turn and a black hole came to be.


What was this for? Why did it even happen? Well, this is Arrowhead’s way of telling us that a new race of enemies is slowly approaching the game’s world and it’s likely that another big event is going to take place soon.

Player Playful-Ship-2183 on Reddit pointed out how the developers have sneakily made sure that players are able to hear the theme song that marks the arrival of this alien race. This is a clear indication that the Illuminate’s arrival is closer than ever, warning players to prepare themselves.

The arrival of the Illuminate marks a reference point for Arrowhead to bring back a lot of things from the past. Players who have experienced the original game may almost find Helldivers 2 a bit nostalgic at the moment.


What Are the Illuminate Like?

It's likely that we'll see new weapon types emerge in Helldivers 2.
It’s likely that we’ll see new weapon types emerge in Helldivers 2.

If you’re new to Helldivers 2 (or the franchise, for that matter), the Illuminate may sound like a new name to you. These are alien species that haven’t made their presence in the game yet but established things early on in the previous game.

This enemy type holds the power to control minds, and players can expect to fight enemies like drones and walkers who make use of energy shields and weaponry. There’s a chance that we might see the inclusion of a new weapon type that helps players fight these enemies.

Although it may seem like the black hole was fixed, there’s also a possibility that Arrowhead wanted players to cause this situation to take place in Helldivers 2. While there’s no information regarding when exactly the Illuminate will arrive, the black hole event certainly marks progress for Helldivers 2’s narrative.


What do you think about this event? Do you think there will be more hints from Arrowhead about the upcoming updates? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 540

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.