“Herman Hulst will be PlayStation’s Phil Spencer”: The CEO Search Ends as Sony Announce Jim Ryan Replacements, and the Fanboys have a Foreboding Message For the Future

Two new CEOs and a whole lot of mess to clean up at PlayStation.

herman hulst, jim ryan


  • PlayStation will finally be changing as two new CEOs are announced.
  • Herman Hulst and Hideaki Nishino are the two new CEOs of PlayStation.
  • Gamers are concerned for the future of PlayStation after the recent announcement.
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Some major news has dropped regarding PlayStation’s new CEO, as gamers finally know who will be replacing Jim Ryan as the company’s head. However, gamers aren’t all too happy about these recent announcements, as some feel this could be the beginning of a difficult time for the company.


According to the announcement, the two new CEOs will be Herman Hulst and Hideaki Nishino, who will both be the heads of different portions of the company, while also answering to Sony Interactive Entertainment chairman Hiroki Totoki.

Big Changes Are Coming to PlayStation, but We Do Not Know Whether They Are Good or Bad

PlayStation announces two new CEOs.
PlayStation announces two new CEOs.

At the moment, we do not know how this new change will impact the future of the console, but what we do know is that both of these new CEOs have been working tirelessly to build the PlayStation IP into something special, so there is a chance that this could be a major positive for fans of the console.


Hulst will be leading the newly named Studio Business Group, which will be in charge of the first-party teams that are working for PlayStation while also being in charge of expanding the different IPs onto different media platforms like TV and Cinema. This isn’t the first time that Hulst has been in charge of a company, as he has also been the co-founder of studios like Horizon and Guerrilla Games.

Hideaki Nishino, on the other hand, will be in charge of the Platform Business Group, which will focus on technology, hardware, accessories, the PSN, and even third-party relations such as indie groups and major publishers that will be coming to the PS console.


This means that both of these new CEOs will be working together, but on separate projects, so that they can effectively focus on different sections of the company while also ensuring that the workload doesn’t become too much for the other CEO.

Even With All the Support From the Community, Some Feel This Could End Badly

Gamers are shocked at the decision of the two new CEOs of PlayStation.
Gamers are shocked at the decision of the two new CEOs.

No matter what the outcome of this decision was, there would always be those who were opposed to the outcome. For many reasons, we do not know how this decision will ultimately affect the company in the long run, but some players feel that this could be the start of a downward spiral.

Throughout X/Twitter there are plenty of responses from the gaming community who share their opinions regarding this decision. One of which is a user who states that “Herman Hulst will be PlayStation’s Phil Spencer” which is likely an over-exaggeration, but it does put the decision into perspective.


Another user also made a comment regarding Herman Hulst being one of the new CEOs by saying, “Bro is gonna green light 10 more Horizon games it might be over” which is a funny nod to the fact that he was the co-founder of the company that develops these games.


What do you think about this recent change of leadership? Are you excited for the future of the company? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Liam Magee

Articles Published: 524

Liam is a writer who loves to spend his time gaming, streaming, playing board games, and just talking about games in general. He will play pretty much any game you put in front of him, but he absolutely loves soul-like games the most, or anything story-driven.