“He’s bewitching him”: Harry Potter Fans Notice an Absurd Moment of Viktor Krum From Goblets of Fire and It Will Creep You Out

Harry Potter fans are dumbfounded by a scene from the Goblet of Fire that sparked a whole conversation on social media.

"He's bewitching him": Harry Potter Fans Notice an Absurd Moment of Viktor Krum From Goblets of Fire and It Will Creep You Out


  • As much as Potterheads love to delve into the specifics of all the events that unfolded in the Harry Potter franchise, oftentimes some bits come off as a surprise.
  • Ahead of the Third Task, Crouch Jr. placed the Imperius Curse on Viktor by using the Polyjuice Potion with ulterior motives that would direct Harry toward victory.
  • Some fans took it to heart and mocked the fans who weren’t aware of the scene while others were simply surprised to observe such a strange event unfold. 
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Potterheads get caught up in a scene. As much as Potterheads love to delve into the specifics of all the events that unfolded in the Harry Potter franchise, oftentimes some bits come off as a surprise. Recently, a social media post surfaced that shared a snippet from the fourth installment, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. In all honesty, it gets a bit difficult to follow the plotline in its full accuracy, however, it doesn’t seem to be an issue for die-hard Potter fanatics. 

Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Daniel Radcliffe in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

A scene displayed Dumbledore giving a speech with his back turned on Viktor Krum, who was cursed by Barty Crouch Jr. posing as Alastor Moody. Ahead of the Third Task, Crouch Jr. placed the Imperius Curse on Viktor by using the Polyjuice Potion with ulterior motives that would direct Harry toward victory. This detail of a scene seemed to have slipped up by several fans while others criticized them for not paying enough attention. 

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Viktor Krum gets cursed

Harry Potter
Harry Potter

A user on Instagram was stirred up after witnessing Crouch Jr. meddling with Stanislav Yanevski’s Krum behind his and Dumbledore’s back, ahead of the Third Task. Apparently, they had missed the plot behind the hideous spell being cast on Krum. Thus, with a hilarious reaction to the instance, the user seemed creeped out by the visibly strange minute. The post’s caption read,

“Okay but have you ever noticed????????” 

The former Death Eater, and son of Barty Crouch Sr., wanted Daniel Radcliffe‘s Harry Potter to win the task so that he could get to Lord Voldemort. Cedric Higger posed a threat to Crouch Jr.’s plan and thus, controlled Krum to cast the Cruciatus Curse on Cedric, killing him. At the same moment, Harry stunned Krum, leaving him unconscious in the maze. Some fans took it to heart and mocked the fans who weren’t aware of the scene while others were simply surprised to observe such a strange event unfold. 

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Potterheads are taken aback by Alastor Moody’s act

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter
Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter

The brief bit was a crucial part of Moody’s plot. Regardless, several fans seemed to have missed out on the little detail. Thus, when highlighted on a social media post, they flocked to the comments section with a wide range of insights. Here are some of the fan reactions: 

“He’s bewitching him. If y’all actually watched the movie that’s why he attacked Cedric and not Harry. The plan was just for Harry to go to Voldemort cause he was needed to bring him back”

“Yall need to read more. It’s giving I only watch the movies while texting at the same time.”

“Am I the only one that assumes Snape noticed this and said nothing to anyone about it?”

“He was doing a blessing charm that obviously didn’t work IF you paid attention.”

“What if he was making it harder for him to defend himself and be vulnerable for the imperius curse, after all isnt he a death eater? He wanted to help get harry and voldemort to resurrect 👀”

“Yes, and I always wondered what’s with that weird pampering?”

Most of the fans were creeped out by the strange spell-casting on Krum. Moody used his pinkie finger around Krum’s ear, to enact the scene, which apparently was off-putting for some fans. Anyhow, it was certainly an essential segment for the bigger plot. 

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Tiyasa Biswas

Written by Tiyasa Biswas

Articles Published: 203

Tiyasa Biswas is a Content Writer at FandomWire. With more than a year of expertise in content spanning over multiple fields: entertainment, sports and features, Tiyasa seeks to bring her flair to the world of fandom. Her journalistic works have garnered significant viewership, with her articles gauging a worldwide audience.