“He’s known as a professional liar”: Phil Spencer’s Exclusivity ‘Promises’ Fall Flat as Even an Excellent Xbox Games Showcase Isn’t Enough to Stop Some Thinking ‘Xbox is Dying’

The gaming community has had enough with Phil Spencer's inconsistent promises for the Xbox platform.

phil spencer, xbox games showcase


  • The gaming community has caught on Phil Spencer's inconsistent promises for Xbox.
  • It appears more Xbox first-party games are coming to rival platforms in the future, after Phil Spencer's comments go viral.
  • Phil Spencer is putting the Xbox platform on a dangerous path that could ruin them, in the minds of some fans.
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Phil Spencer has been the head of Xbox for the last few years after being appointed and has arguably made some questionable decisions for the platform throughout his regime. The platform is not doing so hot with first-party exclusives and his recent promises were seemingly false hope for a dead dream.


The memory of the gaming community is something not to be trifled with. These players have memories that can go further back than expected and some have caught on to Spencer’s act and called him out with a long list of receipts and evidence to prove their case for the fate of Xbox.

The Gaming Community Fears the Future of Xbox With Phil Spencer

The Xbox community is not happy about Phil Spencer failing to keep his word.
The Xbox community is not happy about Phil Spencer failing to keep his word.

The current state of the Xbox platform is quite murky, to say the least. The company has been pushing hard to permanently abolish the idea of console exclusivity and Phil Spencer even started the initiative by sharing a handful of first-party games like Sea of Thieves, Hi-Fi Rush, Grounded, and Pentiment to rival platforms.


The irony is that most of these games are reviewed better and performed better on rival hardware which is a slap to the company’s skill in optimization.

The platform users have had enough of Spencer’s inconsistent promises regarding exclusivity and made a small compilation of how his statements contradict his previous ones. Rather than giving out a select few, Spencer doubled down especially if the recent rumors of Halo, the flagship franchise being ported to the PlayStation 5 are to be believed.


Rather than bolstering the first-party library, it seems like Microsoft has given up and is not bothered to share what they have while getting nothing in return.


Spencer completely disregarded his previous comment about this console generation. It was meant to spearhead the new generation of first-party exclusives that would be on par with rivals and shifted to something else entirely. Platform users are on the short end of the stick once more.

The first batch of games that were ported were all well-received and it would make sense for Spencer to do more and even go against his word by potentially shipping one new major exclusive like Starfield. There is a strong possibility of more major exclusives coming to rival consoles.

Phil Spencer Lost Interest in First-Party Exclusives for Xbox

The future of Xbox exclusives is looking bleak in the hands of Phil Spencer.
The future of Xbox exclusives is looking bleak in the hands of Phil Spencer.

Spencer’s latest statement from the Xbox Games Showcase made fans worried and based on his delivery, it seems like more first-party ports are coming. This drastic change in direction will have serious ramifications for the game industry.


Gamers will have no reason to pick up an Xbox console if other consoles can run the game and give them a better experience. Spencer’s choice of words has raised some eyebrows within the community leaving little to imagination of what the future has in store for the platform.

The game industry is a cut-throat business and players are uneasy about where Xbox will end up with Spencer’s bizarre strategy. Perhaps Spencer has some tricks up his sleeves but is playing a dangerous game to prove his point.

Do you trust Phil Spencer to do right by Xbox? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 598

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.