“He’s like legitimately a scary looking thing”: Zack Snyder Chose Ben Affleck as Batman for the Same Reason Everyone Hates Christian Bale For

Who do you prefer as Batman? Ben Affleck or Christian Bale

ben affleck, christian bale, batman


  • Ben Affleck's Batman was criticized by many when Zack Snyder announced him.
  • Snyder revealed why he chose Affleck, and prefers his Batman over others.
  • Christian Bale's Batman was disliked by fans because of one aspect.
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The character of Batman from DC Comics is a superhero without any superpowers. Still, this brooding brainiac ended up becoming a fan favorite from the very beginning. His extraordinary skills even though he lacks any powers, and his very human nature, is something fans have always admired.

Ben Affleck as Batman in Justice League | DC Studios
Ben Affleck as Batman in Justice League | Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman in the comics is a big bulky guy, and what he lacks in powers, he makes up for it with his combat skills, range of weaponry, and of course, his wit. Over the years, we have had many actors adapting the character for the silver screen. Most have been appreciated for their performance, while some have not. Christian Bale and Ben Affleck have had a bit of both, and in a very contrary way to each other.

Zack Snyder on Why He Chose Ben Affleck as Batman

When Ben Affleck was first announced as the next Batman in Snyderverse, fans were not amused. They had only recently come out of the trance of Christian Bale’s extraordinary performance as the Dark Knight, and were not looking forward to seeing Ben Affleck in the same role so soon. But after the trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was released, there began a lot of chatter on just how perfect Batfleck looked.

Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/ Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/ Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | Warner Bros. Pictures

Ben Affleck is a big guy, and that is one of the main reasons Zack Snyder chose him for the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Speaking of it on The Joe Rogan Experience, Snyder said:

Affleck’s 6’4″, you know? He’s a legit big dude. And the shoes, the boots are like two inches, so he’s literally almost 6’6″ in the costume. When he comes out in the costume — I mean, we put some muscle on him, and there’s a muscle suit under the suit, and he’s, legitimately, a scary-looking thing. You know, he’s just standing there, and you’re like, ‘Holy sh*t.’ Like, dude… the chin is so insane, in that cowl. I mean, look at him… he’s legitimately… that’s Batman to me.

His big bulky body became a plus point, and even fans who were against the idea of Batfleck initially, were easy to win back once they saw just how good he looked as the Caped Crusader. This is also the department where he beat Christian Bale, who is considered to be one of the best portrayals of the character in live-action.

The One Aspect of Christian Bale’s Batman That Fans Did Not Like

Christian Bale played Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy by Christopher Nolan from 2005 to 2012. For the three films, Bale played the suave businessman and brooding vigilante to perfection. But if there was one thing that fans criticized him for, it was his physique.


Batman Begins (2005)
Christian Bale in Batman Begins (2005) [Credit: Warner Bros.]
Christian Bale was mocked for his raspy voice, and lean physique by fans. The Batman from comics has always been bulky, and full of muscles. So, while the Vice actor got defined abs and looked really good, the fact that he was not bulked up for the role did not sit right with many fans of the comic book character.
But all that mocking, and every other criticism, did not deter either him or his director. In an interview with The Washington Post, Bale said:

I would [tell people] we’re going to sort of do Batman, but take him seriously. I had tons of people laugh at me and just say, ‘Well, that’s just not going to work at all.’ So it’s wonderful to be a part of a trilogy that proved those people wrong.

The trilogy is regarded as one of the best movie series of all time, superhero or otherwise. Fans can watch The Dark Knight trilogy on Max.

Swagata Das

Written by Swagata Das

Articles Published: 277

Swagata works as a Senior Features Editor at FandomWire. Having previously worked as a Content Writer, her passion for everything pop culture became her true calling as she now works with a global team of writers to brainstorm unique, groundbreaking ideas. Having done her Masters in English Literature, Swagata is a self-professed K-Pop addict with an affinity to work her charms on unsuspecting friends to induct them into the fandom cult.