“I didn’t want to show black people in that light”: Will Smith Shot Himself in the Foot by Refusing the Ultimate Quentin Tarantino Movie That Became an Oscars Darling

The actor was worried about the main character's motivations in the story.

Quentin Tarantino and Will Smith


  • Will Smith was originally picked for Django Unchained but passed on the role because of creative differences.
  • Smith also had personal concerns about the character’s motivations, which influenced his decision.
  • After the actor passed on the role, Tarantino thought Jamie Foxx was the perfect pick.
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Django Unchained was a huge hit with audiences, having won Oscars in two categories, including Best Director. There were many positive reviews at the time of its release, and one of Leonardo DiCaprio’s most iconic scenes, which people still talk about it, comes from this very production.

Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness (Sony Pictures)
Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness (Sony Pictures)

However, the lead role wasn’t originally meant for Jamie Foxx. In fact, Tarantino had offered it to another very famous actor within the Hollywood industry, who only turned it down for some personal reasons. Little did he know that the movie was bound for success. Does he regret his decision?

The Lead Role In Django Unchained

Will Smith in I Am Legend (Warner Bros.)
Will Smith in I Am Legend (Warner Bros.)

In 2012, Quentin Tarantino released another film. With his solid reputation in the industry, people were excited about his new project, especially curious about who would be leading the story.


Will Smith was another big name with a large fan base. It seemed that the director had practically envisioned Django Unchained with him in mind, hoping he would easily accept the role and dive right in. In Tarantino’s eyes, Smith was the top choice to play Django. However, things didn’t go as planned.

The actor was shooting Men in Black III when the offer came, but due to creative differences, he immediately turned it down. In an interview with GQ, Smith commented on the case:

I’ve always avoided making films about slavery. In the early part of my career… I didn’t want to show Black people in that light. I wanted to be a superhero. So I wanted to depict Black excellence alongside my white counterparts. I wanted to play roles that you would give to Tom Cruise.

The response came as a surprise, and the public’s reaction lingered, with curiosity continuing to build over time. To The Hollywood Reporter in 2015, he mentioned that the story resonated with him, and the idea about a character ready to rescue his wife was great. The main reason for Smith’s refusal was Django being driven by revenge rather than love.


In a new interview to Vanity Fair, another factor also influenced his decision. According to the actor, the impact that the character’s motivations might have on his children was a sign and significant concern. Since taking on a role requires deep commitment, he worried about bringing home the emotional baggage of the protagonist.

What Did Tarantino Say About Will Smith Turning Down The Role?

Jamie Foxx in Django Unchained (The Weinstein Company)
Jamie Foxx in Django Unchained (The Weinstein Company)

Even though Will Smith quickly expressed that he didn’t want the role, he asked Tarantino to keep him in mind if other options didn’t work out, so they could discuss it again. In an interview with Playboy in 2012, the director said it wasn’t about fear, it was just their different views on the film. That’s when Jamie Foxx turned out to be the perfect pick for the director (via IndieWire).

I had extensive meetings with all of them, and I went in-depth on all of their work. Idris Elba, Chris Tucker, Terrence Howard, M.K. Williams [from HBO’s Boardwalk Empire and The Wire], Tyrese. They all appreciated the material, and I was going to put them through the paces, make them go off against one another and kind of put up an obstacle course. And then I met Jamie and realized I didn’t need to do that.

Tarantino said Foxx really connected with the vision he had for Django Unchained. More than just fitting the Wild West aesthetic and being a cowboy, Foxx seemed to grasp the deeper idea behind the character. Being from Texas, he understood the local mentality and the experience of being seen as an “other”.


As for Will Smith, having disappeared from Hollywood since his controversial performance at the 2022 Oscars, for many, his reason about the character’s arc seems a little ironic.

The movie had a budget of $100 million and brought in $425 million at the box office. It also got a lot of praise from critics, with an 87% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Django Unchained is available for streaming on Netflix.


Written by Catherine Delgado

Articles Published: 16

A geek enthusiast of fantasy and sci-fi, Catherine is also a screenwriter, completely obsessed with pop culture. Graduated in Audiovisual Production, she creates characters and writes about fictional universes when not writing articles, binge-watching shows, or reading sagas.