“I don’t want to paste over some of that”: Todd Howard’s Comment Proves He’s Never Remaking One Elder Scrolls Game Everyone Thought Was Coming after Skyrim

Todd Howard's Approach to Remaking Games

Elder Scroll and Skyrim


  • In a recent interview, Todd Howard made it clear that a remake of "The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind" is not on Bethesda's agenda.
  • Howard believes that the charm and identity of older games lie in their original form and age.
  • This suggests that Morrowind will remain untouched by the hands of modern development, maintaining its status as a cherished relic of gaming history.
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Bethesda’s Todd Howard has been decently open about his and the studio’s approach to the potential for remasters of some old titles. He has mentioned in the past that there are no plans to remake or remaster The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. The game is 22 years old and is still a fan favorite even despite its age.


Howard said again in a recent interview that Morrowind was not a game that was in the cards for a remake or remaster. He spoke about how he believes that the charm and identity of older games lie in their original form and age.

Todd Howard Thinks Some Games Should Be Enjoyed in Their Original Form

Todd Howard Thinks Some Games Should Be Enjoyed in Their Original Form
Todd Howard at the Starfield Announcement

In a recent interview with YouTuber MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard gave us a view into the mindset that he and Bethesda have regarding remakes/remasters of older games.


He brought up a very valid point when he talked about the fact that the age and imperfections that these older games have add to the charm they have. 

The rest of it… I could argue that some of the charm of games from that era and the original Fallout is a little bit of that age. I would never want to sort of paste over some of that with, ‘Well we changed how this works so it’s more modern.’

He said that this charm is a big part of the original experience of the game. Morrowind is a great example of this philosophy for a game that he believes to be the best when it’s experienced in its original “old” form, instead of a modernized version.

I’m happy that you can play Morrowind now on an Xbox One, as it’s backwards compatible. I’m really happy that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and others are making it easier for people to play older games as they were played at the time.

He also talked about how the advancement of technology with time has created a gap between old and new games. Especially with Morrowind considering its age of 22 years. According to him, this difference in technology makes remasters challenging and could affect their nostalgic value.


For Howard, Morrowind‘s identity is closely tied to its original state, and a refreshed version of it could undermine the experience that fans have cherished for years.

The Iconicness of These Games is in Their Age According to Todd Howard

The Iconicness of These Games is in Their Age According to Todd Howard
Todd Howard thinks Morrowind should be enjoyed in its original form. | Bethesda

The way Todd Howard perceives the historical significance is in his preservation of their original experiences. This perspective suggests that modern gamers should appreciate the evolution of gaming by experiencing these classics in their original form, rather than through a modernized lens that might alter their fundamental appeal.

I actually prefer that over remasters I’d rather you play Morrowind the way it was … I think the age is part of its identity.

While this could be a disappointment for anyone hoping for a remake/remaster of Morrowind, it shows a broader commitment to preserving the history of age-old classics. Howard’s reluctance to remake these classics stems from a respect for their original form and the experiences they offer.


He sees the age of these games as a feature, not a flaw that contributes to their distinct identity and lasting legacy.

Todd Howard Thinks Some Games Should Be Enjoyed in Their Original Form
While Morrowind probably won’t get a remake, Skyrim has gotten plenty. | Bethesda

The world of gaming is all too familiar right now with remakes and remasters. And we all know that while you can strike gold with some of them, it’s also very easy to ruin reputations that have already been set. This perspective offers a refreshing take on preserving the authenticity of classic games. 

By making sure that the originality and uniqueness of age-old classics are preserved. Bethesda can maintain the original vision and design choices that went into making them. They just need to run on modern hardware.


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 90

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.