“I don’t want to see it ever again”: Dwayne Johnson Could Not Intimidate John Cena But DCU’s Co-CEO James Gunn Does

Despite being The Final Boss, Dwayne Johnson was unable to shake John Cena's confidence!

James Gunn, Dwayne Johnson, John Cena
Credits: Wikimedia Commons /Gage, WWE


  • Dwayne Johnson and John Cena had a legendary beef between 2011-2013.
  • John Cena opens up about how he felt scared by James Gunn's indescribable gaze.
  • John Cena faced The Final Boss fearlessly at WrestleMania XL.
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Dwayne Johnson and John Cena’s feud in the WWE was one of the most heated rivalries in the history of sports entertainment. The feud spanned for two long years, that is from 2011 to 2013 was arguably the most fiercest and heated saga between the two wrestling greats. But what made the rivalry more intense was that the beef stemmed from real-life heat and it is considered to be one of the episodes since the end of The Attitude Era.

Dwayne Johnson and John Cena's rivalry stemmed from real life indifferences
The Rock vs John Cena at WrestleMania 28. Credits: WWE

During the feud, Cena was never intimidated by the Brahma Bull’s legendary status as he confronted him each time with great zeal and confidence. Though the 13-time WWE Champion is not the man to get uneasy, there’s one man who strikes fear in his heart, and he is not someone with whom he has shared the locker room with.

The Name That Strikes Fear In The Heart of John Cena

Whether it is the WWE ring or the silver screen John Cena radiates an aura of unyielding confidence that makes his presence known. During his time as a full-time WWE wrestler, he faced opponents like Brock Lesnar, Big Show, CM Punk, Batista, and many more; he stood his ground and fought his opponents even if the numbers were against him. 

John Cena locked Dwayne Johnson in a STF
The Rock vs John Cena at WrestleMania 29. Credits WWE

As a result, over the years, The Leader of Cenation has mastered his mic skills and wrestling moves, that has helped him to keep his cool. Moreover, facing so many skilled wrestlers and coming out on top has forged him into a warrior who gives no hint of fear.

While Cena has left wrestling and is pursuing an active career in Hollywood, he has met a man, who has done the unthinkable, as he sent shivers down Cena’s spine with his ice-cold stare. If you have not figured out yet, it is none other than the co-CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn.

John Cena is afraid of James Gunn's cold gaze
James Gunn. Credits: Anthony Quintano/ Wikimedia Commons

The Freelance actor acknowledged this himself in a recent event when a young fan asked him if he would be appearing in more DC projects. The news was shared by Super Society (@MDMCorp125) on X, where Cena answered how the co-CEO of DC Studios has “this look” that can not be described but he does not want to see it “ever again.” He said,


Do you know who James Gunn is? He’s got this look when you make him mad. And it’s actually indescribable, but I don’t want to see it ever again. So I’m just gonna say.. no comment.

The hilarious reply resulted in a laugh from the audience, but it looks like the Peacemaker actor is in the bad books of the filmmaker, and had a petrifying experience that involved Gunn and his chilling gaze.

Dwayne Johnson Could Not Make John Cena Feel Threatened Even As The Final Boss!

The feud between The Rock and Mr. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect was a dream come true moment for wrestling enthusiasts because they had been eagerly waiting for the moment for many years. However, everyone thought that the two men had gone past their fierce rivalry when Dwayne Johnson returned to WWE SmackDown in September before their clash in WrestleMania 40. The two met each other shook hands and shared a hug.

The two men hugged and was believed to move past their past beef
John Cena meets The Rock on SmackDown in 2023. Credits: WWE

However, deep down none of them had moved past their differences because in the WrestleMania 40, when Cody Rhodes was close to completing his story, Dwayne Johnson transitioned into The Final Boss. He ensured that he would do everything in his power to stop him from winning the WWE Undisputed title.


He joined The Bloodline to interfere in the main event that was held on the 2nd night of the biggest wrestling event. Solo Sikoa intervened in the main event, where he was stopped by John Cena. Then, all hell broke loose, when The Final Boss’ intro played, the two met face-to-face, and even at that moment, Cena looked fearless.

The Rock stopped Cena at his track
John Cena vs The Final Boss at WrestleMania XL. Credits: WWE

Though Johnson hit The Rock Bottom to Cena, he was soon stopped by The Undertaker who cleared Rhodes’ path to winning the prestigious title, ending Roman Reigns’ long run in the process.

Nevertheless, this brief moment between Cena and The Rock gave fans a nostalgic overview of their iconic matches that took place in WrestleMania 28 and 29.


Written by Tushar Auddy

Articles Published: 1001

Tushar Auddy, Content Writer. He has been in the entertainment industry for 3 years and is always on the lookout for a captivating story. He is a student of Linguistics and is currently pursuing his Master's degree in the same field. He has a passion for literature that runs deep and loves nothing more than getting lost in a novel for hours on end. When he isn't reading, you'll find him capturing the beauty of language.