“I felt like Santa Claus”: Chris Hemsworth Couldn’t Stop Getting Belly Rubs And Cuddles From His Avengers Co-stars While Filming $2.8B Avengers Movie

“I felt like Santa Claus”: Chris Hemsworth Couldn’t Stop Getting Belly Rubs And Cuddles From His Avengers Co-stars While Filming $2.8B Avengers Movie
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From over-the-top action flicks to just plain and simple yet funny portrayals and everything in between, there is no place where you can put Chris Hemsworth and regret your decisions. Rightfully hailed as one of the biggest stars in the film industry today, the Australian actor came into the spotlight after playing the Almighty Thor in the MCU and hasn’t looked back ever since.

Chris Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth

With such a vast and rich career spanning many years staying on top of the industry, there have been quite a few incidents that many may not be able to even think of that the star has experienced in his life. Out of almost all of them, one was so funny and childish that even he was unable to process it at first.

How Chris Hemsworth Got Belly Rubs And Cuddles From His Co-Stars While Shooting Avengers: Endgame

Chris Hemsworth in his prosthetic suit in Avengers: Endgame
Chris Hemsworth in his prosthetic suit in Avengers: Endgame

Apart from being one of the most successful and highest-grossing stars in the film industry today, Chris Hemsworth is also known to be one of the most handsome actors in the world while also being a physical specimen of fitness, something that he’s regularly showcased in his films as well. But when he was in the process of shooting Avengers: Endgame, fans might remember Fat Thor, which also became a popular meme back in the day. And while he enjoyed the experience, his co-stars were the ones who enjoyed themselves the most.


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In a past interview on The Graham Norton Show, the Extraction star was shown a picture of him and asked whether he got big by eating his way through it, to which he replied that it was actually a prosthetic flesh suit that was made for him to make Thor look fat in the film. He also recalled the time while shooting when his co-stars like Robert Downey Jr. would come and rub his fake belly gently, while others just wanted to embrace him in a cuddle because he became so squishy after wearing the suit. he said:

“Robert Downey (Jr.) got me a fair share of belly rubs, everyone was starting to cuddle me after. I felt like Santa Claus, you know, got Avengers sitting on my lap from time to time”

If he hadn’t revealed it, then we might never have found such a playful and joyous side of the Avengers and the cast of the MCU.


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What’s Next For Chris Hemsworth?

Chris Hemsworth in a still from Thor: Love and Thunder
Chris Hemsworth in a still from Thor: Love and Thunder

After his latest adventure as Thor in MCU’s Thor: Love and Thunder, the star reprised his role as the hard-boiled mercenary Tyler Rake in his latest Netflix film Extraction 2. And still, with his films releasing back to back, it seems like he has no intentions of stopping anytime soon, considering that he still plays the God of Thunder in the franchise, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

As for what more we can expect from him, it’s being rumored that his next major appearance might be in the upcoming Avengers: Secret Wars along with many of his peers and some new faces that have recently joined the franchise.


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Avengers: Endgame, streaming on Disney+.

Source: The Graham Norton Show

The Strange Evolution of Thor in the MCU | FandomWire Video Essay


Written by Deepak Bisht

Articles Published: 1392

Deepak Bisht is a writer at FandomWire who has vast expertise in films of many genres, a hardcore anime nerd along with two years of writing experience. After completing his Bachelor's in Business Administration, he became part of the company in hopes of providing accurate, informative, and exciting articles to the world.

Apart from his contributions to FandomWire, the rest of his time is spent either reading quality works of literature, listening to vintage music, or playing any video games he can get his hands on.