“I have never watched anything like it”: Bryan Cranston Made Anthony Hopkins Believe in Hollywood Again After He Was Tired of the “Sickening Bullsh*t”

Anthony Hopkins is a massive fan of Bryan Cranston's performance in Breaking Bad.

Bryan Cranston in Godzilla and Anthony Hopkins in Westworld


  • Anthony Hopkins penned a letter to Bryan Cranston to express his admiration for the actor.
  • The Welsh star felt a renewed sense of hope for the industry after watching Cranston's performance.
  • Hopkins reflected on his career and admitted he's not obsessed with acting anymore.
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Anthony Hopkins is one of the pillars of British cinema and is most recognizable for his classic works on Hannibal, The Silence of the Lambs, and Amistad, to name a few. But, even with a stellar career, he could not help but sometimes feel disappointed with and unenthusiastic about Hollywood.

anthony hopkins amistad
Anthony Hopkins in Amistad | DreamWorks Pictures

It was Bryan Cranston’s work as Walter White in the Breaking Bad franchise that invigorated and inspired Hopkins to believe that there is a future in the entertainment business.

Anthony Hopkins Is A Huge Fan Of Bryan Cranston’s Breaking Bad

Anthony Hopkins once penned a heartwarming fan letter to Bryan Cranston to congratulate him on his outstanding performance and the success of the show. The Oscar-winning actor had so much love for the Breaking Bad franchise which compelled him to write the note (via Vanity Fair):


I’ve just finished a marathon of watching ‘BREAKING BAD’ – from episode one of the First Season — to the last eight episodes of the Sixth Season. I have never watched anything like it. Brilliant! Your performance as Walter White was the best acting I have seen – ever.

Breaking Bad
Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad | AMC

The Welsh actor apparently got tired of Hollywood’s business which caused him to lose trust in it, but Cranston’s work on the drama series renewed his love and passion for the acting profession. 

I know there is so much smoke blowing and sickening bullshit in this business, and I’ve sort of lost belief in anything really. But this work of yours is spectacular — absolutely stunning. What is extraordinary, is the sheer power of everyone in the entire production.

Hopkins even described the show as something that “started as a black comedy, descended into a labyrinth of blood, destruction and hell.” He also likened the series to the “great Jacobean, Shakespearian, or Greek Tragedy.”

Finally, he expressed his gratitude to Cranston, his costars, and the whole team that worked on the Breaking Bad franchise. He claimed “that kind of work/artistry is rare” and it was so good that it “restores confidence” in him.


Anthony Hopkins Reflects On His Acting Profession

anthony hopkins hannibal
Anthony Hopkins in Hannibal | Universal Pictures

Anthony Hopkins has an illustrious career spanning six decades, and within those years he spent in the acting business, he realized that it was not the entire world for him.

He claimed to be obsessed with it when he was younger, but now that he’s much older and wiser, he knows there are better things to do. He shared via The Talks:

I do enjoy acting but I probably enjoy it more now because it’s easier. I can’t work in the theater because to me it’s too serious. It’s like being in prison for me. I admire people that can do that but I can’t do it. I’d rather live my life and do a bit of acting in between.

In the same interview, he revealed his love for painting and music. He also reads a lot and “acting is something I do as a fill in.” Now that he’s 86 years old, he’s living life the way he enjoys it.


Breaking Bad is streaming on Netflix.


Written by Ariane Cruz

Articles Published: 2287

Ariane Cruz, Senior Writer. She has been contributing articles for FandomWire since 2021, mostly covering stories about the latest movies and series. With a degree in Communication Arts, she has an in-depth knowledge of print and broadcast journalism. Her other works can also be seen on Screen Rant and CBR.