“I now have tools to talk about this stuff with my kids”: We Need to Give Inside Out 2 a Chance Because the First Movie May Have Saved Thousands of Families

Inside Out 2 could be the key to solving all of Pixar's problems.

inside out 2


  • Inside Out 2 was recently released in theatres.
  • After the beloved 2015 movie, the sequel was highly anticipated.
  • This could be the solution to Pixar's recent slump.
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When Pixar came up with Inside Out in 2015, it became a huge hit among audiences. The characters of Riley and her various emotions – Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear – connected in a very special way with the viewers. Kids and adults alike found something they could form an attachment to, seeing themselves in these characters.

inside out 2
Inside Out 2 © 2024 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

So when Inside Out 2 was announced, it was met with much enthusiasm. Old fans and new are excited to see what the next instalment in the story brings out for fans to enjoy. And Pete Doctor, the Chief Creative Officer of Pixar is the one waiting with bated breaths to see if this can be a success thag saves not just the company but also the culture of movies.

Inside Out 2 Needs a Chance and the Audience Should Give It

Inside Out was a huge hit among viewers, so expectations from the sequel is also high. While it has not been all rainbows and sunshine for Pixar and it’s recent projects, the management thinks Inside Out 2 can be the way out of that slump. Alongside all the previous emotions that mafe Riley go crazy in the first movie, we have a few nore additions rhis tine around with Embarrassment, Ennui, Jealousy, and Anxiety.

Anxiety in Inside Out 2 | Walt Disney Studios

Joy, voiced by Amy Poehler, and Anxiety, who is voiced by Maya Hawke, will be at the two opposite stands as they push and pull Riley, as she traverses through her teenage years. But some of these emotions might not be too familiar with young kids, as it will be difficult for then to grasp the idea of the nore complex emotions like jealousy and anxiety and ennui.

Speaking to Time Magazine, the CCO of Pixar, Pete Doctors was asked how they are going to handle these themes that might be a little too much for young audiences, who is their primary target. To this, Doctor said that even anger and sadness were a little difficult for young audiences to grasp in the first movie. But if they could do it then, they were hoping to replicate the same in the upcoming movie.

If the movie can do well, it will not only be a boon for Pixar, but also for the movie making business as well as theaters. Ever since the pandemic, and with the advent if streaming platforms all around, there has been a slump in theaters. While some movies like Top Gun 2 and Barbenheimer ignited hope, it didn’t last too long. But if movies like Inside Out 2 are given the chance to perform well at the theaters, it could be the key to turn the tide in favor of the movie business.


How Inside Out Was a Saving Grace For Many Families Around the World

The 2015 movie, with Reily and all her primary emotions, was a huge hit. Audiences connected with how bug a rile emotions play in our life, and how difficult it can be at times to control them and not be controlled by them. During the TIME interview, Doctor revealed how the movie was a huge help to many.

pixar inside out 2
Pixar’s Inside Out 2 / Walt Disney Studios

After the first film, we heard story after story of people saying, “I now have tools to talk about this stuff with my kids.”

He further added:

That was true especially of little boys who have a lot of trouble talking about emotions. I don’t know if that’s genetics or a societal thing. But either way, they really connected, especially with Anger. One of the great gifts of this project is taking these abstract ideas and making them real.

Maybe Inside Out 2 can be an equally important part of the conversation. And fans will hopefully enjoy the movie, just as they did the first one. Inside Out 2 was released on June 14, 2024, in theaters worldwide.

Swagata Das

Written by Swagata Das

Articles Published: 283

Swagata works as a Senior Features Editor at FandomWire. Having previously worked as a Content Writer, her passion for everything pop culture became her true calling as she now works with a global team of writers to brainstorm unique, groundbreaking ideas. Having done her Masters in English Literature, Swagata is a self-professed K-Pop addict with an affinity to work her charms on unsuspecting friends to induct them into the fandom cult.