“I want to make it clear…”: Helldivers 2 May Be Deserving of all the Praise Right Now, but Johan Pilestedt Is Sick of it Being Directed at Him

The mark of a true leader continues to show.

Helldivers 2


  • One of the minds behind Helldivers 2 refuses to take all the credit.
  • The latest patch has improved how stratagems work.
  • The studio shows a lot of promise with Helldivers 2's content and balance updates.
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Helldivers 2’s latest patch has introduced a lot of new buffs to the game, bringing balance to stratagems and weapons that has improved the game’s overall quality. Fans have been responding well to this, and many believe that the game’s Chief Creative Officer, Johan Pilestedt, is solely responsible for the same.


On Twitter, Johan Pilstedt quickly vocalised his thoughts about the same. He refuses to take all the credit for the victory and wants the community to understand the hard work put into the game by the team as a whole, not Johan alone.

Helldivers 2’s Latest Patch Is Worthy of Praise

Helldivers 2 is not only focusing on new content, but also balance changes for the game.
Helldivers 2 is not only focusing on new content, but also balance changes for the game.

If you’re wondering why all of a sudden the community is so responsive and giddy about an update to the game, the simple reason is that Helldivers 2 now feels much more balanced and enjoyable. The game’s Patch 1.000.400 brought in a series of buffs and nerfs that have improved the game’s quality of life and how gadgets and weapons work.


In the official blog post made on Steam, Johan Pilestedt has explained the philosophy behind this update and why it matters so much:

With these balance changes we wanted to buff up some of the weaker stratagems to make them more viable and add more opportunity for variety in loadouts. We also changed a few to make them more consistent, but the goal was to keep a similar or higher power level.

The patch has introduced several changes to how stratagems work, including focused Orbital Strikes and how enemies take damage from explosions caused by such strikes. Previously, many stratagems would feel underused simply because their placement and area of effect didn’t make sense.

Arrowhead Is Celebrating This Victory, but There’s More to Come

If this kind of transparency becomes a fixed ideology for the team, there's a lot of potential for the game's future.
If this kind of transparency becomes a fixed ideology for the team, there’s a lot of potential for the game’s future.

Once this patch went live and Helldivers 2 players started enjoying the new changes, the community became quite vocal about their feelings, and Arrowhead is being praised for making such changes. However, Johan Pilestedt refuses to take all the credit for himself.


Instead, he wants players to appreciate the team as a whole and acknowledge all the hard work and effort that goes into making these changes possible.

It’s no surprise that Helldivers 2 still tries to maintain its position as one of the best live-service games to come out in recent times. However, this cannot happen simply through seasonal and content updates. A lot of the “fun factor” relies on balance changes and a constant effort from the devs to ensure that the game feels polished and enjoyable.

Johan Pilestedt is quite transparent about what’s going on with the studio and how the game is evolving. If this continues, Helldivers 2 will undoubtedly stand as a symbol of a well-crafted live-service title for years to come.


What are your thoughts on the latest patch and Johan Pilestedt’s response ot the community’s applause? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 533

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.