“I’d consider it”: DCAU Legend Bruce Timm Vowed to Revolutionize Marvel Animation Under 1 Condition

Bruce Timm talked about how he wouldn't mind joining Marvel Studios if his conditions are met!

“I’d consider it”: DCAU Legend Bruce Timm Vowed to Revolutionize Marvel Animation Under 1 Condition


  • Bruce Timm is a legendary artist and animator in the DCAU and is the developer of several of the animated projects in the DC Universe.
  • In an interview, Timm was asked whether he would join Marvel Studios and Timm replied that he wouldn't mind but only if Marvel fulfills his conditions!
  • The artist also talked about his 2001 animated series Justice League and how it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be!
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Bruce Timm is the man of the hour with the countless amount of work that he has done for the DC Animated Universe over the years. From creating animated projects with some iconic characters to helping out in the creation of comic books, Bruce Timm has done it all.


Being a good friend of the people at Warner Bros. (presently Warner Bros. Discover), Bruce Timm was once asked about joining Marvel Studios for a change. Timm replied that he wouldn’t mind joining Marvel Studios but only if certain conditions are met!

Bruce Timm's Superman: The Animated Series
Clancy Brown voiced Lex Luthor in Bruce Timm’s Superman: The Animated Series

Bruce Timm Would Only Join Marvel Under One Condition!

It was the year 2000 when Timm created and released the iconic DCAU film Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker. The film was quite a controversial take from the DCAU but Timm found worldwide fame and spotlight.

Goblin Queen
A still from the Marvel animated series X-Men ’97

In a resurfaced interview on DC Animated, the American artist talked about his thoughts on joining Marvel Studios for a change. When the interviewer asked him the question, Timm revealed that he wouldn’t mind joining the then-rival studios but only if certain conditions of his were met.

“I’d consider it, if it were the right Marvel property, and if they would give me a decent budget, and if the Powers-That-Be were in sympatico with what I’d want to do with it. A whole lotta “ifs”! Look, I’m not under contract with WBA, but I’m not planning on going anywhere.”

He further continued,

“Warners treats me right, the gang at DC have always been cool and the folks at Cartoon Network couldn’t be easier to work with. So, you see, the problem is, they’re spoiling me rotten! But I’d consider it…. “

So all in all, Timm would have turned his way toward Marvel Studios if he had been given a proper budget and a synchronized team to work with. It hasn’t been confirmed whether Marvel or Bruce Timm ever approached each other with an offer but it would have been quite remarkable!


Bruce Timm Defends The First Season of Justice League

Justice League
A still from Justice League: The Animated Series

Back in November 2001, the first season of an animated Justice League (called Justice League) premiered and the world had mixed reviews for it. Lacking some things in a certain area and making up for it in another in grandiose style, the series surely had its ups and downs. With the reception that the animated show received, Bruce Timm stated in his interview that the series wasn’t reviewed properly!

“Maybe I’m in total George-Lucas-esque denial, but I honestly don’t think the first season of JL represented any kind of radical dropping-off in quality from our previous shows. Some of the first season shows I think were really good, but we had so many challenges inherent in the show. So many balls juggling in the air, and inevitably some of them dropped.”

Well, the first season ended in November 2002 and received a rating of 8.6/10 on IMDB, with a whopping 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. The two seasons of the animated show are available to stream on Max in the U.S.


Written by Visarg Acharya

Articles Published: 2050

Visarg Acharya, Associate Content Writer, has been heavily involved in movies, series, and history. Having an experience of 2 years in the field of content writing, Visarg is a seasoned writer. Having a degree in Physics, Visarg Acharya has published a dissertation alongside a plethora of poems and short stories along the way.