“I’ll show George that I can do a film twice that good”: ‘Andor’ Being the Best Star Wars Project isn’t Surprising Since it’s Exactly What George Lucas Prophesized for the Franchise

George Lucas had expressed a desire to see more filmmakers bring their unique take to the Star Wars universe, which was fulfilled by Andor.

George Lucas, Andor
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / Chin tin tin


  • Andor became a surprise hit and one of the best entries in George Lucas' Star Wars franchise, which started in 1977 with the original film.
  • In an interview following the original film's release, Lucas expressed an interest in other auteurs crafting their fresh stories in the franchise he created.
  • Andor creator Tony Gilroy fulfilled Lucas' prophecy by infusing classic Star Wars staples with fresh elements, making the series one of the best entries.
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Director George Lucas surprised cinemagoers with his uniquely charming space-opera film Star Wars, released in 1977. The film became a cultural phenomenon and spawned a franchise with several sequels, prequels, and spin-off media that have continued to expand upon Lucas’ original idea for a galaxy far, far away.

Andor might be a surprise winner at the main event on January 15
Andor proved to be one of the best Star Wars projects of recent times (Credit: Lucasfilm).

Amidst the franchise’s recent struggles, Andor established itself as one of the most unique and fresh entries in the Star Wars universe, arguably since the original trilogy. However, the series emerging as one of the best entries wouldn’t surprise creator Lucas as it is something the acclaimed filmmaker himself foretold decades ago. Here is how Andor fulfills a prophecy by George Lucas.

George Lucas Prophesized More Original Voices Coming to His Star Wars Franchise

George Lucas launched the Star Wars franchise back in 1977 with the original film introducing viewers to a galaxy far, far away. Following the film’s release and success, Lucas sat down for an interview with Rolling Stone, where he mapped out his plans for future installments.

George Lucas
George Lucas had predicted more unique voices coming to Star Wars (Credit: BBC News Night).

At the same time, Lucas also shared his hopes for other auteur filmmakers to play in his sandbox and bring their own unique voices to the space opera saga. Lucas said:

I would want to try and get some good directors, and see what their interpretation of the theme is.

Lucas explained that while the first film wasn’t up to his expectations, it helped him lay the groundwork for the franchise, with other directors welcome to come on board and tell their own stories within the framework. He added:

I’m hoping if I get friends of mine they will want to do a much better film, like, I’ll show George that I can do a film twice that good.

Lucas’ statement hints at a healthy competition with his peers, with the director encouraging them to try and make a Star Wars movie better than he could. Lucas added that he wanted to direct the last film in the franchise so that he could eventually outdo all the good work other directors had done before him.


Lucas would stick to this approach by having Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand direct the second and third installments in the original franchise. However, Lucas would keep the director’s chair for all three installments of the prequel trilogy.

Andor Fulfilled George Lucas’ Prophecy For the Future of Star Wars 

Since the franchise’s inception, Lucas has expressed a strong interest in other filmmakers, bringing forth their take on the galaxy far, far away. Unfortunately, many have struggled to capture the magic of the original film directed by Lucas. However, Andor, a spin-off of the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, has established itself as one of the best entries in the franchise.

Tony Gilroy
Andor creator Tony Gilroy fulfilled George Lucas’ desire for original Star Wars stories (Credit: Star Wars | YouTube).

Created by Tony Gilroy, the series stars Diego Luna as Cassian Andor, a thief turned Rebellion member fighting to free the galaxy from the Empire. Instead of other filmmakers like Jon Favreau and J.J. Abrams, who followed in Lucas’ footsteps while crafting their entries in the franchise, Gilroy took a completely fresh approach.


The Bourne franchise writer denounced Lucas’ Western and Samurai movie influences, replacing them with gritty action, contemporary espionage, and slow-burn mystery elements. Thus, Gilroy was able to bring a unique take to Star Wars, which not only makes Andor one of the best entries in the franchise but also fulfills Lucas’ desire for more original and unique creator voices.

Andor is streaming on Disney+. 

Pratik Handore

Written by Pratik Handore

Articles Published: 562

Pratik is a writer at FandomWire, with a content writing experience of five years. Although he has a Bachelors in Hospitality, his fascination with all things pop culture led him to writing articles on a variety of topics ranging from latest streaming releases to unheard movie trivia. When not writing, you can find him reading manga, or watching classic TV shows.