“I’m not gonna let that thing f-cking crush him”: Jeremy Renner Says Had He Made a Selfish Decision Instead of Risking His Life For His Nephew It Would Have Haunted Him Forever

Jeremy Renner's profound courage embodies the purest form of selflessness, as he couldn’t allow his nephew’s life to be in danger.

jeremy renner


  • Jeremy Renner was involved in a severe accident while clearing snow with his nephew, nearly crushed by an out-of-control snowplow.
  • Renner acted without hesitation to save his nephew. He expressed that he couldn’t live with himself if he hadn’t intervened.
  • The accident caused significant physical trauma, including a broken cheekbone, eye socket, and the dislocation of his eye.
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As the world celebrated the new year in 2023, a calamity befell Jeremy Renner who was just clearing the snow with his nephew. As the snowplow got out of the actor’s control, the massive vehicle was about to crush his nephew between it and the tracks. Without thinking, Jeremy Renner tried to get back into the vehicle but unfortunately got caught up in the tracks, breaking 38 or more bones in his body.

Jeremy Renner posts a photo of him on Instagram
Jeremy Renner after the accident | Credits: Renner’s Instagram

Despite the fact that it was the most painful and horrid thing he had to endure, Jeremy Renner says it would have been worse if he hadn’t put his life on the line. Why? Well, if the actor had thought about himself at the moment and not his nephew, he wouldn’t have been able to live with himself.

Jeremy Renner – The Epitome of Selfless Bravery

Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton in Hawkeye
Jeremy Renner in Hawkeye | Credits: Marvel Studios

In an interview with Men’s Health, Jeremy Renner recalled the day he woke up in the hospital, surrounded by his family. His loved ones were obviously very worried about him as he battled against the Grim Reaper for his life. The moment Renner gained consciousness, he asked for a pencil, unable to speak.


The first thing he wrote to his family in the room was, “Holy f-ck. I’m so sorry.” While he agrees that saying sorry for getting in an accident is “weird” he stated that his family knew what he meant.

Renner went on to explain how he has huge families on both his sides, each one of whom would lay their life down for the other. Thus, when such morals are rooted in someone, how could he have let his nephew get caught in a life-threatening situation?

They’re just as gangster for me as I would be for them. They’ll murder people for me, my family. I got a stronnnnng, deep-love-running family, and it’s even deeper now. We have a big, big, big, big family on both sides. It’s giant. Too many presents to give. I don’t even know all their f-ckin’ names. No joke. I’m like, Who the f-ck’s this one? And so, f-ckin’, I’m not letting anybody get hurt on my watch.

This is why, Renner didn’t wait for a minute before jumping into action and risking his life for his nephew. He stated that he couldn’t have been able to live with the fact that he didn’t step in and wouldn’t be the same man he is today.


That’s why I put my f-ckin’ own life on the line for my nephew. I’m not gonna let that thing f-cking crush him! F-ck. That. Not happening. I couldn’t live with that. If it was the other way around, if I didn’t get back on that thing and then it crushed him? Mm-mmm. I would not be a good man right now. I would not be a good man. I’d be f-cking haunted. Can you imagine?

Before sprinting to save his nephew though, Renner didn’t know he could get hurt. Fueled by adrenaline, the Hawkeye actor believed he could simply dive across the tracks and shut the snowplow down. Sigh. If only this was the way the unfortunate event ended.

Jeremy Renner’s Eye Popped Out of His Socket

jeremy renner's recovery
Jeremy Renner in the middle of recovery | Credits: Renner’s Instagram

You read that right. As Renner got trapped under the 14,000-pound machine, he could feel himself getting crushed under its weight. Detailing his time under, he listed out the series of events that took place. Trust me, this is not for the faint of heart.

Renner recalled how he was screaming for breath as his cheekbone broke, followed by his eye socket. Eventually, his eye popped out from the crushing weight of the snowplow and he was able to see his left eyeball with the right. Simply reading about this sends shivers down our spine.


Cheekbone broke, eye socket broke, and then from the crushing of getting run over by the machine, my eye bulged out. I could see my left eyeball with my right eyeball. I was screaming for a breath.

Through it all, Renner persevered. Like a true Avenger, he used critical thinking in such a horrible circumstance, focusing all his attention on his breathing. After a while, the actor grew tired of fighting, his heart rate dropping. He lay there for more than 45 minutes before the EMTs arrived and he finally put his survival in their hands.

We cannot imagine the severe pain Renner must be in. However, we are extremely grateful to see him recovering at a good pace. After all, Hollywood’s ready for you, Renner.


Written by Mishkaat Khan

Articles Published: 1388

Mishkaat is a medical student who found solace in content writing. Having worked in the industry for about three years, she has written about everything from medicine to literature and is now happy to enlight you about the world of entertainment. She has written over a thousand articles for FandomWire. When not writing, she can be found obsessing over the world of the supernatural through books and TV.