“In the hope a dev might come snooping…”: Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn Has a HUD Problem and the Devs Need to be Honest About It

Players are frustrated with Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn's HUD.

flintlock the siege of dawn


  • Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is facing significant criticism due to its cluttered and poorly designed HUD.
  • Players are vocal about the need for a revamped HUD on variosu forums.
  • To maintain player engagement, A44 Games need to acknowledge the HUD problems and provide regular updates on fixes.
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The recently released Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has all the tools to become the player’s one of the beloved games, from reputable studio A44 Games to the game’s immersive narrative and Flintlock Pistol gameplay.


However, the game was met with mixed reviews from players due to many issues that needed immediate fixes from the developers. One of the most annoying issues is with the HUD, which requires more customization options or rather a complete rework.

Flintlock: The Seige of Dawn Needs a Revamped HUD


Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is a third-person action game where players are fighting against the gods. Players can do melee attacks and just as the name suggests, they also have a Flintlock pistol which helps in eliminating enemies.


Despite having an interesting and unique narrative, the game has a critical issue with the HUD (Heads-Up Display). Player’s concerns are not just about aesthetics but about the very functionality that is making the gameplay experience worse.

Players are very vocal about the issue, asking the developers to face these concerns honestly and address them as quickly as possible. Reddit User, Drinker_of_Chai, after being frustrated by the HUD, the user posted a thread about the issue and how it is affecting the gameplay. After seeing the post, the community is actively discussing various topics.

Too much clutter on screen.
byu/Drinker_of_Chai inflintlock

Players want to customize the interface.

byu/Drinker_of_Chai from discussion

The thread paints a very vivid picture of the problems. For many players, the HUD appears to be very cluttered, essentially making the screen overwhelmed with text rather than intuitive. Players want developers to prioritize this issue.

Developers Need to Communicate More with Players

The image shows a player fighting a boss in Flintlock: The Seige of Dawn.
Developers should listen to player feedback and fix the issues quickly. | Image Credit: A44 Games

A44 Games needs to take a proactive approach and start addressing these concerns. The first step would be accepting the problems openly and then providing regular updates on potential fixes. This will not only help solve the issue but also involve the community, making them feel involved.

In the gaming industry, studios need to be more transparent with the players as having bugs/issues in live service games is a common occurrence right now but not addressing them makes the players feel left out, resulting in quitting the game.


For Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, addressing the HUD problem not only helps in keeping player engagement high but also in retaining its player base, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

In the end, players can only wait and hope that developers are listening to their feedback, bringing the required changes as quickly as possible. What is your favorite melee in the game? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 223

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.