“Inject this into my veins”: The Boys Star Most Likely Returning to DC after Batman: The Long Halloween Threequel Confirmation

The sequel might never become a film given the current circumstances of DC animation, but should it go ahead as one, the company might bring back the star to complete his trilogy.

batman: the long halloween, the boys


  • Batman: The Long Halloween is getting a 10 issue sequel called Batman: The Long Halloween: The Last Halloween.
  • If this ever sees the light of day as a third Long Halloween film, DC would likely bring back Jensen Ackles to reprise his role as Batman.
  • James Gunn's universe still lacks a Batman, and could benefit by casting Ackles as the Caped Crusader.
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Batman: The Long Halloween had been adapted into two films that, albeit handled poorly by Warner Brothers, were still relatively well received by fans. It seems that there could be a third film to round out the trilogy, as DC has announced its follow-up to The Long Holloween, a 10-issue series by the writer of Daredevil: Yellow, Batman: Hush, and Batman: The Long Halloween, Jeph Loeb.

A still from Batman: The Long Halloween
A still from Batman: The Long Halloween

While there are no official indications of a threequel being made to round out the Long Halloween trilogy if a film were to be made, it is most likely that the actors of the other two films will reprise their roles for the third one. This would mean that Jensen Ackles, who essays the role of Soldier Boy for Amazon’s hit R-rated superhero shoe, The Boys, can return to voice Batman.

Fans cannot wait for The Long Halloween to continue

Jensen Ackles voiced Batman in Batman: The Long Halloween
Jensen Ackles voiced Batman in Batman: The Long Halloween

Fans have taken to the internet to celebrate the continuation of the story, which might as well spawn a third film. However unlikely is a film that follows in on the story set in The Long Halloween Part 1 and Part 2, fans are eager to see what the comic brings to the table:




Given that the Tomorrow-verse line of films will be ending soon enough, and the DC animated side of things will be more in line with James Gunn’s DCU, it is highly unlikely that Batman would get to finish his Halloween trilogy. However should there be a The Last Halloween film, Jensen Ackles would be the front-runner to voice the character.


James Gunn is yet to cast his Batman, would Jensen Ackles be the right pick?

Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy in a still from The Boys
Jensen Ackles as Soldier Boy in a still from The Boys

Jensen Ackles is a huge fan of Batman, having voiced the character in the Tomorrow-verse, while also having essayed the role of the Red Hood in Under the Red Hood. Ackles is also a choice to play Batman in the DCU and would be a great pick for the franchise. Ackles could believably pull off a slightly experienced Batman but still fumble about enough to sell the dysfunctionality of his relationship with Damien Wayne.

The actor is also well suited for the role thanks to his physicality, which he has proven is in peek shape with his work on The Boys. Further, given that he has already played Batman, Ackles definitely has the acting chops to pull off the character on the big screen.





Written by Anuraag Chatterjee

Articles Published: 713

Anuraag Chatterjee, Web Content Writer
With a passion for writing fiction and non fiction content, Anuraag is a Media Science graduate with 2 year's experience with Marketing and Content, with 3 published poetry anthologies. Anuraag holds a Bacherlor's degree in Arts with a focus on Communication and Media Studies.