“This is peak gaming”: Is It Possible That We Were All Too Quick To Write Off Concord?

Concord, initially criticized for not meeting high expectations, is now surprising players with its engaging gameplay and unique mechanics.



  • Concord faced significant criticism before its official release due to concerns about its gameplay, and overall execution.
  • As players have had more time to experience Concord post-launch, the initial skepticism is giving way to positive feedback.
  • Concord is carving out its niche by delivering a more enjoyable experience than initially predicted.
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In the world of gaming, hype can be a double-edged sword. When Concord was first announced, the expectations were very high but it didn’t immediately meet those lofty anticipations. Instead, it faced a whole of criticism before players even had a chance to fully experience it.


Despite the initial skepticism from the players, now that they have had more time to delve deep into its gameplay there is a slow but definite shift in opinion suggesting that fans might have been too critical in their judgments.

Concord Might be More Fun than Player’s Previously Anticipated


Concord promised innovative mechanics, an immersive storyline, and breathtaking graphics. Initially, it created a wave of excitement in the gaming community. However, as the game showcased its gameplay with beta versions and pre-release demos, the excitement quickly turned into concerns and players were not happy.


Many were calling out the game and saying that it had failed to live up to its potential. Now with the game’s release (on August 23), many more players got their hands on the game and suddenly players are clicking with the game. The initial discontent towards the game is starting to change.

What players thought was going to be a failed experiment from PlayStation, is now being appreciated for its unique and fast-paced gameplay approach. The key to this turnaround seems to lie in the gameplay. The game has engaging mechanics which are proving to be more fun and engaging than anticipated before. Now players are taking to Social media to express their feelings.

Many other players are also looking to try out the game.


There are still many players who are skeptical about the game as they should be because of the track record of Sony. But there are also many who are willing to give the game a try as the gameplay looks really fun.

Is This the Redemptions Arc for Concord?

The image shows the player using one of the charcater and about to engage in a fight in Concord.
Players are enjoying the fast-paced gameplay of the game. | Image Credit: Firewalk Studios

Even though there are many players who are currently enjoying the game mechanics and find it fun and engaging. However, there is so much competition in the gaming industry that there are always alternatives for players.

The most obvious alternative currently in the market is Overwatch 2. Even though it also was heavily criticized by many players, it is still a free game that they can discard whenever they want to. Unfortunately, this is not the case with Concord, making it hard to try out and get the feeling of gameplay.


However, one thing is certain, the game is better than what everyone initially expected. If the game can deliver on its various premises and manages to carve out an audience in its favor, it will be a huge win. This small success highlights a glaring issue of the players, jumping to conclusions based on early impressions and sometimes ignoring the true value of the game.

In the end, players also need to learn that a favorable gaming experience is not about the initial impact but the whole journey the game takes to show its real value.

Are you going to try out Concord? Tell us in the comment section below.


Written by Shubham Chaurasia

Articles Published: 311

Shubham is a tryhard gamer who loves to play and write about games/news. At first, writing was just a hobby but now its his profession. If he is not online lurking in Valorant or trying his luck in gacha games, you can find him binging on some anime series.