“Isn’t fair to other players”: Unlike Call of Duty Fans, Valorant Players Want 1 Controversial Feature to Be in the Game ASAP

Here's an opinion you won't hear from a CoD player!

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  • The Valorant community is increasingly vocal about the need for skill-based matchmaking in Deathmatch mode.
  • Unlike Call of Duty fans who often oppose skill-based matchmaking (SBMM) in casual modes, many Valorant players are advocating for it.
  • Lower ranked Valorant players feel that getting matched with Radiants in Deathmatch does nothing but sour their experience.
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Valorant‘s Deathmatch mode has become a hot topic of discussion among players, with many calling for a change to make the mode skill-based. A low-rank player expressed frustration over facing Radiant-level opponents in Deathmatch. This disparity makes it nearly impossible for lower-ranked players to warm up effectively.


Unlike Call of Duty where fans are often against SBMM, Valorant players argue that the current system isn’t fair. Players think that having SMBB would allow for a more effective warm-up routine tailored to individual skill levels.

Valorant’s Deathmatch Might Need SBMM According to Fans

An in-game screenshot of Valorant
Valorant players think Deathmatch needs a change. | Image Credit: Riot Games

Deathmatch is designed to be a quick, free-for-all mode where players can warm up before competitive matches. It offers a fast-paced environment with random respawns and no ability usage. However, this randomness can be a double-edged sword. 

Make deathmatch skill based.
byu/AspVoid inVALORANT

In a recent discussion on the Valorant subreddit, user AspVoid highlighted the issue by sharing their frustration of being an Iron 3 player up against Radiants. This disparity makes it impossible to get a proper warm-up or improve one’s skills. 

While some argue that facing higher-ranked players can help improve one’s skills, others find it demoralizing and counterproductive. The lack of balanced matchmaking means lower-ranked players often spend more time respawning than practicing their aim.

byu/Agile_Muffin2607 from discussion

Some users pointed out that Deathmatch is already loosely skill-based, with most players in the lobby being within a couple of ranks of each other. The problem arises when the game cannot find enough players at similar skill levels, resulting in matches with a broader range of ranks. 


SBMM Can Be a Double-Edged Sword

Chamber reloading a weapon as he engages an enemy in Valorant.
With the game now on console, Riot needs to work even harder. | Image Credit: ZilZod Valorant on YouTube

The absence of SBMM in deathmatch has led to discussions about the importance of balanced matchmaking in non-competitive modes. While Deathmatch is designed for quick warm-ups and skill development, its current state often discourages players who are seeking a fair practice environment.

byu/AspVoid from discussion

Introducing SBMM could ensure that players are matched with others of similar skill levels, making the mode more enjoyable and productive for everyone involved.

This is a double-edged sword though, as Call of Duty fans will readily agree. The Call of Duty games have been plagued with different issues that SBMM creates and they have been vocal about it. So much so that it actually got removed from the upcoming Black Ops 6.


Deathmatch also allows players to leave the game without penalty, a feature that some argue should remain unchanged even if SBMM is implemented. This flexibility is appreciated by players who want to dip in and out of matches for quick practice sessions.

Whether or not Riot Games will implement such changes remains to be seen. There is always feedback like this in online games, and the devs don’t always take action. The debate is an interesting one though as it shows the struggle of a lower-ranked or lower-skilled player.

Are you happy with the current state of Deathmatch? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 160

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.