“It is not looking good”: Divorce Attorney Fears Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez Have Already Ended Their Marriage Legally

Bennifer fans, brace yourselves. You might have to say goodbye to the couple again.

ben affleck, jennifer lopez
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/MTV International


  • A divorce attorney states that things are not looking good for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s marriage.
  • She added that she bet the two have already signed their divorce papers and worked out the terms of the separation.
  • Another insider stated that the two are trying to avoid a messy divorce but staying together isn’t an option for Affleck.
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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have seen some serious ups and downs in their relationship. For those who have been living under a rock, they were first engaged back in 2002 but unfortunately called the wedding off in 2004. Later, their romance rekindled and they finally got their ‘happy ending’ in 2022 where they got married in Las Vegas.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez in Gigli (2003) | Columbia Pictures

But now, it looks like their time together was short-lived, once again. According to a divorce attorney, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have probably already signed the divorce papers and are just looking for the right time and an easy way to break the news.

Is This the End of Bennifer 2.0?

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck in a still from The Greatest Love Story Never Told (2024) | Prime Video

Once, Jennifer Lopez stated that calling off the marriage with Ben Affleck and ending their relationship in 2004 was the biggest heartbreakof her life. She even went as far as to state that she felt like she was “going to die” and that it sent her “on a spiral for the next 18 years.” If the recent report is true, it looks like Lopez might have to go through it all over again.


Recently, there have been a lot of reports about the two hitting a rough patch in their married life. Of course, neither Affleck nor Lopez has verified anything that has been circulating on the Internet.

Now, another report sends Bennifer fans into shock as a divorce attorney claims the two may already have signed their divorce papers.

Jacqueline Newman is a New York City-based divorce attorney as well as a managing partner at a top-tier 5th Avenue Manhattan law firm, Berkman Bottger Newman & Schein LLP. While confiding in Showbiz Cheat Sheet, she stated that things are not looking good for Hollywood’s beloved couple and that she believes they are trying to let their fans down slowly and not dumping the divorce on them out of the blue.


She even went on to bet that Affleck and Lopez had already worked out the terms of their separation and signed the divorce papers.

It is not looking good for Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. It feels like they are trying to let the public down easy by dropping hints about the marriage ending but not yet officially announcing it. If it is, in fact, over, I would bet that the terms are already worked out and the papers are already signed. The actual legal part of the divorce will be easy, as they undoubtedly have a tight prenuptial agreement, and it was a short-term marriage. It is the court to public opinion which will be the tougher divorce.

If the reports are untrue, Affleck and Lopez need to drop a statement immediately in order to stop their fans from freaking out. However, if everything or most of it that has been said is true then, well, it looks like Bennifer might be over for good this time.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Reportedly Trying to Avoid a Messy Divorce

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck in a still from Gigli | Columbia Pictures
Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck in Gigli | Columbia Pictures

Earlier this month, an insider told In Touch Weekly that the Gigli actors will be looking to be well-prepared and organized when it comes to their supposed divorce. They stated that “they’re going to get all their ducks in a row” to ensure that “there’s no messy court battle” when push finally comes to shove.


Despite reportedly trying to be as prepared as ever, the insider added that Affleck is not at all comfortable with the scenario. They said that along with his work, he also has to manage Lopez’s mood swings as well as dodge the press all while people treat him like the bad guy.

Ben is far from comfortable right now. Besides being busy with a lot of his own work, he’s got J. Lo’s mood swings to cope with, phones ringing off the hook, and the press hounding him 24/7. Plus, a lot of people in J. Lo’s world and the public are treating him like the bad guy.

Amidst all this, the insider adds that their priority is to make sure their children are put first. The insider reported,

The biggest weight on Ben’s shoulders right now is the kids and managing this situation as best he can for their sake. It’s going to be a very tough adjustment, so his priority is being sensitive to that and making this as smooth for them as he possibly can.

While the two don’t have any kids of their own, Affleck shares three children with Jennifer Garner and Lopez shares two with Marc Anthony.


In the end, the insider stated that staying together is no longer an option for Affleck who is “100 percent committed” to the idea and has already started telling his friends that he is looking forward to the next chapter of his life.


Written by Mishkaat Khan

Articles Published: 1239

Mishkaat is a medical student who found solace in content writing. Having worked in the industry for about three years, she has written about everything from medicine to literature and is now happy to enlight you about the world of entertainment. She has written over 500 articles for FandomWire. When not writing, she can be found obsessing over the world of the supernatural through books and TV.