“It semi-explains why they’re so weird”: Pixar Might Never Make Live-Action Movies But ‘Inside Out’ Confirmed to Get a Spinoff to Reveal Its Biggest Mystery

Pixar confirmed an 'Inside Out' Disney+ spinoff is coming next spring.

Pixar and Inside Out


  • Pete Docter confirmed a Disney+ spinoff to 'Inside Out' is coming next year.
  • The Pixar boss revealed how they came up with the idea of making a sequel.
  • Docter admitted there will be no live-action movies as it is not interesting to him.
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Pixar’s Inside Out 2 continues to make waves in cinemas after its impressive weekend debut. As one of the most successful animated franchises, the sequel was a way to lift the studio back up after its streak of losses in the past couple of years.


However, even before the release of the second film, there had been plans for a spinoff. The studio will now focus on the most beloved titles and expanding their universes, hence another project coming to Disney+.

New Inside Out Spinoff Awaits At Disney+

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Chief Creative Officer Pete Docter revealed that the upcoming Inside Out Disney+ spinoff has already wrapped up, and it is coming out next spring. He also explained what fans can expect from the new project.


I’m not sure that there’s been a specific release date, but in the first film, remember we go to Dream Production to see how Riley’s dreams are made? It semi-explains why they’re so weird. We’ve continued the exploration of the power of dreams and how they affect us in our waking life, as well.

Docter said that the moment they knew they could explore more of the material was when they were making the first installment. At the time, they dismissed the idea and just gave fans something to enjoy. It was not until late 2019 or early 2020 that there had been a lot of people talking about a sequel.

He said, “If there’s nothing there that we all think has a deeper resonance, we won’t do it.” Until director Kelsey Mann brought Anxiety as a part of the cast and a whole storyline that made them think, “That was a huge part of my junior high existence. I think there’s something there.”

They made the sequel as personalized as possible “in a way that allows people to have an ability to talk about that vague feeling of nerves and tension,” as seen by fans in the movie where Riley experienced all sorts of anxious feelings during her puberty years.


Pixar Will Not Make Live-Action Remakes

Now that the studio is slowly getting back to business thanks to the warm reception of Inside Out 2, Pete Docter addressed the issue of a possible live-action movie at Pixar via Time Magazine. He quickly debunked the idea and admitted it was not appealing to him.

This might bite me in the butt for saying it, but it sort of bothers me. I like making movies that are original and unique to themselves. To remake it, it’s not very interesting to me personally.

He also noted how it would end up a tough job for them because “so much of what we create only works because of the rules of the [animated] world.”

Indeed, how are they going to justify the scene with a house that floats (from 2009’s Up)? It would be difficult to comprehend unlike in a cartoon setting. “The worlds that we’ve built just don’t translate very easily,” Docter added.


Inside Out 2 is now showing in theaters worldwide.


Written by Ariane Cruz

Articles Published: 2167

Ariane Cruz, Senior Content Writer. She has been contributing articles for FandomWire since 2021, mostly covering stories about geek pop culture. With a degree in Communication Arts, she has an in-depth knowledge of print and broadcast journalism. Her other works can also be seen on Screen Rant and CBR.