“It was kind of impossible to cut it down”: Kristen Stewart’s Fiery Chemistry With Superman Star for a Movie Dragged Jennifer Lawrence to Debunk Rumors

Kristen Stewart steamy s*x scene with Nicholas Hoult in 2015's Equals, led to a rumor that Jennifer Lawrence was jealous of the pair.

“It was kind of impossible to cut it down”: Kristen Stewart’s Fiery Chemistry With Superman Star for a Movie Dragged Jennifer Lawrence to Debunk Rumors


  • Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult starred in the 2025's sci-fi romantic drama Equals.
  • Their sizzling chemistry and the emotionally charged s*x scene in the film were the main highlights of the film.
  • This led to a rumor that Hoult's ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence was jealous of the pair.
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Kristen Stewart branched out as an actress after her Twilight fame and has shown her versatility in various acclaimed films. After impressing everyone as a young child actor in David Fincher’s Panic Room, films such as Personal Shoppers, Camp X-Ray, Clouds of Sils Maria, and Spencer solidified her as one of the best actresses of her generation.

Kristen Stewart as Maureen Cartwright in 2016's Personal Shopper
Kristen Stewart as Maureen Cartwright in 2016’s Personal Shopper

One of Stewart’s forays into the sci-fi genre is the 2015 film Equals where she starred alongside Nicholas Hoult. The two actors had a very dynamic on-screen chemistry and had a steamy s*x scene in the film which started rumors. Director Drake Doremus talked extensively about the making of this standout scene, which weirdly started a rumor about Hoult’s ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence.

Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult’s Steamy Scene Started a Wild Rumor

The electrifying chemistry of the two actors was a delight for audiences
The electrifying chemistry of the two actors in Equals was a delight for audiences

Kristen Stewart and Nicholas Hoult starred in the 2015 sci-fi romantic drama Equals, directed by Drake Doremus. The dystopian flick chronicled the monotonous lifestyle of people/workers where emotions and interaction are not allowed. Hoult’s character gets drawn to Stewart’s character and when they finally embrace each other, it becomes a very emotionally charged scene.


Hoult and Stewart’s sizzling chemistry and the steamy s*x scene in the film were the main highlights of the film. Doremus talked to Entertainment Tonight about how the scene came to be. He revealed that the two actors (like the film) had never had contact with each other up to that point during filming. It added to the intensity of the scene and he found it difficult to cut it down to mere minutes as he shot hours of footage of that scene. He said,

“We carefully structured the shoot so that the bathroom scene was the first time they really touched in the film and really touched when we were shooting. It was this release and this feeling. What happens in the film was really happening on set.”

“I have hours of footage, essentially of them touching each other’s faces and hands and everything like that. It was kind of impossible to cut it down into a couple of minutes.”

This scene started a rumor that Hoult’s ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lawrence was jealous of the pair. However, she found the rumors to be funny and denied these reports while talking to Marie Claire saying,

“There was something in a magazine, and I was like, ‘Oh, my God, that’s hilarious,’ because Kristen and I are friends. I actually texted her a picture of it and was like, ‘Just so you know, this is absolutely true.'”

Hoult and Stewart committed to the scene in the film and gave a stellar performance in the film. However, the film received negative reviews and did not do well at the box office. Fans can watch/ rent Equals on Apple TV+.


Love Me Filmmakers Praise Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun For Their Fearlessness

Steven Yeun and Kristen Stewart in Love Me
Steven Yeun and Kristen Stewart in Love Me

Kristen Stewart returned to Sundance this year to promote her new post-apocalyptic romance film Love Me where she stars alongside Steven Yeun. The quirky premise of a buoy and a satellite falling in love intrigued the two actors. Sam Zuchero and Andy Zuchero wrote and directed the film and they talked to Variety about working with the two actors.

Andy Zuchero talked highly of the two actors about their dedication to cinema and its possibilities. He claimed that they are committed to leaving an impact and doing creative work as actors. Zuchero called them fearless and hardworking artists who are not afraid to be vulnerable on screen. He said,

“When you collaborate with Kristen and Steven, you pretty quickly realize that they care more about the art than they do about their personas. They care more about the impact on culture than the impact on themselves. They’re fearless and hardworking artists who are willing to be completely vulnerable in the service of art, which is unique.”

After the film’s premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2024, Love Me won the Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize. For now, no information is available about a theatrical or streaming release of the film.


Written by Rahul Thokchom

Articles Published: 1158

Rahul Thokchom is a senior content writer at Fandomwire who is passionate about covering the world of pop culture and entertainment. He has a Masters Degree in English that contributes to the richness and creativity in his works.