“It’s a terrible thing to fall in love”: Castlevania Made Warren Ellis Do Something with His Script that is Every Writer’s Nightmare

Castlevania's script writer admitted that he was extremely involved with the series' production.

castlevania, warren ellis
Credits: Wikimedia Commons/Dale Cruse


  • Warren Ellis confessed that he was delighted with the voice actors who joined Castlevania since they brought their own quirks.
  • Thus, he tried his best to change the scripts to accommodate their talent.
  • In fact, the writer went above and beyond to be involved with the production.
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Warren Ellis, the writer behind several original comics, novels, and animated series, is also the creator of the Castlevania animation. The series was an instant hit and could even pull out of the video game curse!


In an interview with Bleeding Cool, Ellis confessed that he has never played any of the games he has worked with. In fact, most of his knowledge of Castlevania comes from Wikipedia and other fan-pages. However, the splendid voice cast of Castlevania made Ellis do things he never thought he would.

A still from Castlevania Season 4 | Netflix
A still from Castlevania Season 4 | Netflix, Powerhouse Animation Studios

As the writer fell for the series and its voice actors, he realized it would be idiotic to not perfect the script even more.


Warren Ellis Did What Every Writer Hates for Castlevania Voice Actors

‘Relieved’ would be an understatement for what Warren Ellis felt when he got to know the Castlevania voice actors. He was enamored by their talents as each of them showed him something new. This led the writer to fold into the writing even more.

Castlevania by Warren Ellis
Castlevania | Powerhouse Animation Studios, Netflix

In the interview, Ellis admitted that he could still remember every actor and how he changed his writing to suit the performances of the characters.

It’s a terrible thing to fall in love with your actors but when they are this good, and bringing so much, you’d be an idiot not to take it with you and fold it into writing.

Every writer’s worst nightmare is having to rewrite their script several times just to accommodate small things. Yet, Ellis loved the franchise and its crew so much that he gladly changed his script not once or twice but multiple times over.


You just start writing for your actors and thinking of fun things for them to do. You lose what it was that attracted them to the project. 

According to Ellis, each and every actor decided to join the project because they liked the scripts, and personalizing them according to the quirks they brought was just a way to entertain them even more.

How the Castlevania Cast Came to be

Trevor vs. Death - Castlevania | Trevor vs. Dracula - Castlevania | Powerhouse Animation Studios
Trevor vs. Death – Castlevania | Trevor vs. Dracula – Castlevania | Powerhouse Animation Studios

Warren Ellis, Kelvin Kolde (executive producer), and Meredith Layne (casting director) all discussed at length who they wanted for the Castlevania characters and who was available to join. He admitted that Layne is the best at recruiting people that the others could not even think of.

Ellis was so excited about Castlevania and enjoyed the prospect of writing about it that he became involved in most aspects of the show.


I’m involved in almost all aspects of the show which is weird for me going from someone who sits in a box, types, and emails scripts to being involved with a lot of different people. I speak with our composer as well, Trevor Morris, and suggest probably extremely annoying things I’d like to try.

It looks like the animation made Ellis break a lot of his rules as he enjoyed being involved with the series. The author even humorously commented that at first, he had no idea what he was doing, but later, he had almost no idea about what he was doing. Thus, he considered it major progress.

It’s what I love most about the act of writing, which is that it is something new every day. I’ve actually really loved this entire experience.

By the end of the interview, it was pretty evident that Ellis considered Castlevania a dear project and had put his heart into its development. Given the series’ success story, you can say that it all paid off.

You can watch the Castlevania animation on Netflix.


Written by Aaheli Pradhan

Articles Published: 198

Aaheli is an anime content writer at FandomeWire. With four years of experience under her belt, she is a living, breathing encyclopedia for anime and manga. She believes in living a slow life, surrounded by incomplete art projects and her beloved cat.