“It’s like somebody rewrites your code in the Matrix”: Matt Damon Never Wanted to be Like Johnny Depp in Hollywood

Reflecting on fame, Matt Damon claimed to be fortunate to be less famous than Johnny Depp, especially after the actor's downfall.

Matt Damon, Johnny Depp


  • Matt Damon opens up about his views on fame, drawing parallels to Johnny Depp’s reputation in Hollywood.
  • Damon expressed relief for not succumbing to the traps of fame in the same manner as Johnny Depp.
  • Depp's career took a sharp downturn amidst legal battles, and controversies, which served as an exemplary tale for Damon.
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Matt Damon has undoubtedly been one of the most famous faces in Hollywood, ever since his inception from Oscar-winning Good Will Hunting. But despite his reputation in the industry and his association with critically acclaimed projects, Damon has often felt overshadowed by actors like Johnny Depp, who he believes is a bit more well-known than he is.

Matt Damon - hereafter
Matt Damon in Hereafter (2010) | Warner Bros. Pictures

However, despite feeling less famous and fortunate than Johnny Depp in regards to Hollywood’s position, Matt Damon never considered it a bad thing. Although he compared his reputation with Depp, Damon claimed to be well aware of the atrocities that befall him with fame. Thus, shedding light upon Depp’s tumultuous life, the Bourne franchise star noted the lessons he learned.

Matt Damon Reflected on His Hollywood Journey to Fame

Dominating Hollywood since the 90s, Matt Damon opened up on his views on Hollywood fame and the pitfalls of the entertainment industry. Speaking with PEOPLE in 2023, the acclaimed actor discussed his journey to stardom and popularity. Finding his big break alongside Ben Affleck, following their collaboration in Good Will Hunting, Damon claimed to be fortunate to have Affleck around while he was dealing with his growing stardom.


Reflecting on how things change once an actor turns into a celebrity, Matt Damon compared it to a code written in the Matrix. Recalling how people started treating him differently and how he had to initially adjust to his popularity in Hollywood, Damon mentioned why it was important for him to have Ben Affleck by his side, during his transition from a commoner to an A-lister.

Because the whole world just starts to treat you differently. And so your subjective experience changes. It’s like somebody rewrites your code in the Matrix, but just your code. It’s like, ‘Oh, my whole experience has been altered in this really overwhelming way.’

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
Matt Damon And Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting | Miramax Films

And so to have somebody who I’ve known my whole life who I can be like, ‘Hey man, is this happening to you? Are you…?’ And to check in with him, it was really, really helpful. Stabilizing.

However, despite speaking candidly about his stardom and popularity, Matt Damon later admitted feeling overshadowed by certain actors who are more famous than him, like Johnny Depp.

Matt Damon is Happy to be Less Famous Than Johnny Depp

Despite working on several acclaimed projects and even leading the iconic Bourne franchise, Matt Damon believed his fame was insignificant in comparison to someone like Johnny Depp’s. But, despite the billion-dollar Pirates of the Caribbean franchise that launched Depp into unprecedented fame, Damon expressed gratitude for not succumbing to the shackles of fame in the same manner as the icon.

Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow
A still from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise | Disney, Warner Bros

Although I look at someone like Johnny Depp, who I think was afforded a certain amount of freedom for a long time, then he suddenly wasn’t. For a long time, he was doing great and interesting movies and was able to have it both ways.

Then he was in a movie that was too damn successful. But those Pirates movies are so much more successful than anything I’ve ever been a part of that I just assume that’s another level. When you’re at the theme park ride level. Damon shared via Contact Music.

Citing the tumultuous journey that befell his fellow actor Johnny Depp, perhaps due to his fame, Matt Damon implied being grateful for never achieving that level of stardom in the industry. Damon’s sentiments resonate deeply in light of Depp’s well-documented struggles in recent years. Once hailed as one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood, Depp’s career took a sharp downturn following legal battles, controversies, and financial issues.

From his highly publicized divorce from actress Amber Heard to allegations of substance abuse and erratic behavior, Johnny Depp’s once-golden reputation was tarnished before the eyes of fans and the entire entertainment industry.

Therefore, Matt Damon seemed right to simply lament about not being as popular as Depp, while being grateful for not ending up in the whirlwind of pitfalls and controversies that comes with fame.


Written by Krittika Mukherjee

Articles Published: 1623

Krittika is a News Writer at FandomWire with 2 years of prior experience in lifestyle and web content writing. With her previous works available on HubPages and Medium, she has woven over 1500 stories with us, about fan-favorite actors, movies, and shows. Post-graduate in Journalism and Honors-graduate in English Literature, when this art enthusiast isn't crafting your next favorite article, she finds her escapism in coffee, fiction, and the Wizarding World.