“It’s the loudest goddamned line in the movie”: The Godfather Star James Caan Absolutely Hated Saying 1 Line in a Movie He Felt Was Disrespecting the Viewers

James Caan clashed with the Cilndrella's Liberty director over a dialogue.

James Caan Godfather


  • While working on the 1973 drama, Cinderella Liberty, James Caan got into a disagreement with the film's director, Mark Rydell.
  • The disagreement was over a line that the filmmaker wanted Caan to say, but he did not find it too amusing.
  • The actor believed that the line undermined the character he had carefully developed throughout the movie.
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Over the course of his career, James Caan starred in some of the most influential films of all time, including the iconic The Godfather, in which he took on the role of Sonny Corleone and earned an Academy Award for his performance. The actor was also known for being highly discerning about his on-screen projects, prompting several rejections throughout his career.

James Caan as Sonny Corleone
James Caan as Sonny Corleone in The Godfather | Credit: IMDb

Renowned for his outspoken and opinionated nature, the actor also did not hesitate to voice his reservations when it came to a line in the 1973 drama, Cinderella Liberty, leading to a disagreement with his friend and director of the film, Mark Rydell.

James Caan Was Disappointed With One Line in Cinderella Liberty

The 1973 film Cinderella Liberty follows James Caan as a sailor, John, who falls for a prostitute Maggie (Marsha Mason). However, things get complicated after she goes back to her previous lifestyle. By the end of the film, it is revealed that Maggie has left for New Orleans with another man.

James Caan and Marsha Mason in Cinderella Liberty (1973)
Cinderella Liberty (1973) | Credit: 20th Century Fox

Upon learning about the same, John heads to New Orleans to look for Maggie with her son Doug. It was during the final moments when the filmmaker wanted Caan to say a line, “I hear they got some big shrimp in New Orleans,” suggesting that John Baggs was headed to New Orleans in search of Maggie.

However, the actor found it unnecessary as he believed that the line undermined the character he had carefully developed throughout the movie. “I have just spent two hours creating a character who has no quit in him, who only sees the good,” he told Rolling Stone, while further explaining,

And if the audience doesn’t know he’s going down to New Or­leans, then I have done a terrible job.’ He said, ‘Just say it, we won’t use it.’… It’s the loudest goddamned line in the movie. It really pissed me off, plus it’s bad drama.

A still from Cinderella Liberty (1973)
James Caan and Marsha Mason in Cinderella Liberty | Credit: IMDb

He also emphasized the importance of authenticity of character consistency, saying, “If a guy’s been in the navy for twelve years, he walks a certain way [gets up and demonstrates].” He believed that the line was offensive not only to his work with the character but also to the viewers’ ability to grasp the character’s story and development.


James Caan Found His Character in Cinderella Liberty Pure and Good

Based on the book of the same name, Cinderella Liberty features James Caan as John Baggs, a sailor with a rough exterior but a tender heart. When asked about his character in the 1973 drama film during an interview, the Oscar-winning actor expressed a deep appreciation for the purity and goodness his role embodied.

James Caan and Marsha Mason in Cinderella Liberty
James Caan as John Baggs | Credit: IMDb

“I rather liked him,” he said while comparing his character to the virtuous Billy Budd, the titular character and sailor in Herman Melville’s novella, Billy Budd, known for his innocence and moral integrity.

“To me, he was like Billy Budd, all pure and good,” he said. The Queen Bees star also shared that they found his co-star Marsha Mason, who earned an Oscar nomination for her performance in the 1973 film. Caan and Mason also co-starred in the 1979 romantic comedy Chapter Two.


Cinderella Liberty is available to stream on Prime Video.


Written by Laxmi Rajput

Articles Published: 2367

Laxmi Rajput is a writer at Fandomwire. She finished her Post Graduation in Broadcast Journalism and worked as a Business News writer for a year. But her interest in entertainment and pop culture compelled her to find a way towards Entertainment Journalism. She has worked across various fields and has 2 years of experience in content writing. She likes reading, music, movies, and traveling. She aspires to become a fiction writer in the future.