James Gunn Must be Grinning Right Now: Creature Commandos Synopsis Hints Rick Flag Sr. vs Peacemaker Showdown is Imminent

Could fans finally get to see Rick Flag's revenge?

james gunn, rick flag sr. in creature commandos, peacemaker
credit: wikimedia commons/gage


  • Creature Commandos will become the gateway for many iconic comic characters to come into the DCU.
  • One of these faces happens to be Rick Flag Sr., who will be played by Frank Grillo.
  • With this, many wonder if he will be able to get revenge for his son's death and it would seem that James Gunn has an answer.
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James Gunn has a lot planned for the DC Universe, and a significant weight of it seems to lie in his upcoming animated series, Creature Commandos. There has been a lot of conversation around this seemingly minuscule series, which also happens to be setting up some of the most significant storylines in DC’s near future.

James Gunn's creature commandos
James Gunn’s Creature Commandos

One of the most unfortunate deaths in recent years has to have been that of Joel Kinnaman’s Rick Flag. It would seem that this painful wound is being ripped open again, as Flag’s father, Rick Flag Sr., is making his way into the franchise.

While many would be excited solely based on this news, it would seem that the character is entering the universe with one goal; revenge. Could Amanda Waller help Flag Sr. kill his son’s killer?


James Gunn Announced the Entry of Rick Flag Sr.

In a post on his Threads account, James Gunn announced some news that will make fans more than a little excited. He started by revealing that Frank Grillo, who is best known for playing the role of Crossbones in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, would be taking on the role of Rick Flag Sr. This news, on its own, is extremely exciting, as it could set up a lot of different storylines.

One of the biggest ones that fans would have in mind is that of a revenge arc with the Peacemaker. However, before the question could be raised, he then mentioned that after voice acting in Creature Commandos, he will also star in the second season of Peacemaker.

James Gunn's Creature Commandos
James Gunn’s Creature Commandos

This is crucial considering how John Cena’s character was responsible for the death of Flag’s son, Rick Flag, in The Suicide Squad. While many fans expected their paths to cross at some point, they surely did not think it would be this soon.


Amanda Waller Could be the Key

It would seem that a faint idea of what direction DC is going to take with Rick Flag Sr. can be drawn from another recent update. According to HBO Max, via DC Film News, the upcoming series Creature Commandos has a premise that could help set up the character’s inevitable showdown with Peacemaker. The series will follow a plot centered around Amanda Waller forming ”a black ops team out of monstrous prisoners.” 

Rick Flag in The Suicide Squad
Rick Flag in The Suicide Squad

If Waller is planning on making a team full of convicts, it would likely need a non-felon leader. Who better to lead a black-ops mission than a Flag? Since it has already been confirmed that Rick Flag Sr. will be making an appearance in the series, the entire arc will be more than a little interesting. The biggest question that arises is how the storyline will be executed.

Peacemaker vs Rick Flag in The Suicide Squad [Credit Warner Bros.]
Peacemaker vs Rick Flag in The Suicide Squad [Credit: Warner Bros.]
Waller is well-known for her strategy. She is always multiple steps ahead of the entire world and has contingency plans for contingency plans. It could be possible that she manipulates Frank Grillo’s character to join her team under the condition that she helps him find the man who killed his son.




If this were the case, it would certainly provid the perfect transition from the animated series to the second season of Peacemaker. Such a storyline would also be perfectly in character for James Gunn.


Written by Ananya Godboley

Articles Published: 1335

A poet and art enthusiast, Ananya Godboley is a striving academic who is pursuing a career in Criminal Psychology, currently doing an undergrad degree in Psychology. Passionate about History, Philosophy and Literature, she loves to learn about new and interesting subjects. A writer for FandomWire with over 1000 published articles, she adores all things superhero and Taylor Swift.