“I had a full outline and world map”: We May Never Get to See John Garvin’s Plans for Days Gone 2, But That Hasn’t Stopped Him Working On It

Days Gone 2 can be a thing, but there's a catch.

days gone 2


  • Days Gone's writer has many ideas for the sequel.
  • Even with a strong outline, the project can only be greenlit if Sony want to go ahead with it.
  • Days Gone 2 can explore a lot based on the success of the first game.
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The potential of Days Gone may have been overlooked by its narrative limitations and gameplay mechanics that took a while to find a place in the hearts of gamers. Regardless, conversations around the possibility of a sequel are always active discussions, and looks like the game’s writer and director is part of it too.


John Garvin has voiced his opinion on the likelihood of Days Gone 2, but expecting it to become reality doesn’t lie in his hands. Rather, in the hands of those who belong to a managerial hierarchy that may have little to do with the game’s actual development.

Everyone Wants a Days Gone 2, but It’ll Only Happen if Sony Likes the Idea

Days Gone blended several "zombie tropes" and created something unique.
Days Gone blended several “zombie tropes” and created something unique.

In a tweet recently, Days Gone‘s writer and director John Garvin explained how some of the decisions behind making a sequel would work. Unfortunately, it’s not just in the studio’s resolve to make a sequel happen. After all, a lot of these decisions are in the hands of Sony.


John Garvin wants fans to keep their fingers crossed for a sequel but set their expectations realistically. In fact, the studio may just have everything they need to make the sequel happen, but ultimately it’s up to Sony to greenlight the project.

The tweet reads like a conclusion rather than a suggestion for Sony. It seems like the makers of Days Gone had strong ideas for the world map and narrative, and everything else we could expect from a post-apocalyptic Orlando. Or, maybe this time we would traverse across a different location altogether.

If Sony Does Have a Change of Heart, What Can Days Gone 2 Look Like?

A sequel could build on everything that made the first game feel so enjoyable.
A sequel could build on everything that made the first game feel so enjoyable.

At its core, Days Gone managed to pull off several game mechanics that made the gameplay feel so rich and polished. Right from the start, players are pulled into a lush and vibrant open world that resembles modern-day Orlando. A few weapons, a motorcycle, and a brave protagonist are all it took to breathe life into this landscape.


With Days Gone 2, we can perhaps expect Deacon St. John’s journey to continue as he braves the open roads while riding through hordes of zombies. In the first game, large hordes of the undead could be trapped and dealt with through many creative ways.

This would require players to build their unique playstyle and choose how they approach challenges. Building on this, the sequel can experiment with new enemy types and traps. Furthermore, exploring how Deacon’s motorcycle can be further modified would be something fun to look forward to.

Maybe Days Gone 2 can let players the game through new vehicles too. The possibilities do seem never-ending with this one, but only if Sony approves of the project and lets the studio do what they’re best at.


What would you like to see in Days Gone’s sequel? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Tanay Sharma

Articles Published: 532

Tanay wears more hats than Red Dead Redemption 2 characters. He's a musician, writer, voice-over artist and adores interactive media. His favourite games are the ones with memorable stories and characters. He's pursuing a master's degree in Behavioural Sciences. No, he won't read your mind.