Jujutsu Kaisen: Why Was Masamichi Yaga Given Grade 1 Ranking Despite Teaching the Likes of Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto?

The Real Reason Behind Masamichi Yaga Being Only a Grade 1 Sorcerer in Jujutsu Kaisen.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Why Was Masamichi Yaga Given Grade 1 Ranking Despite Teaching the Likes of Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto?


  • Even though Masamichi Yaga is among the best Jujutsu practitioners, he only received a Grade 1 rating.
  • In addition to being the head of one of the top jujutsu schools, he was also the instructor of Suguru Geto and Gojo Satoru.
  • Even though Yaga is a very strong Jujutsu sorcerer, there's a reason he just received a Grade 1 ranking.
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Sorcerers receive grades according to the Jujutsu Kaisen ranking system, which distinguishes them based on their strength, intelligence, and combat prowess. The technical system comprises seven distinct grades a sorcerer can achieve, ranging from Grade 4 to Grade 1, and was developed by jujutsu sorcerers as a means of evaluating both themselves and the curses they hunt. 


While this ranking system is mostly fair and justifiable, there are still some sorcerers who deserve a better or worse ranking than the one they are assigned. One such character is Masamichi Yaga, the principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High. He is one of the most elite Jujutsu sorcerers but still got a ranking of Grade 1.

masamichi yaga in jujutsu kaisen
Masamichi Yaga

He is not only the principal of one of the best Jujutsu schools, but he is also the one who taught Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto, some of the strongest characters in the Jujutsu Kaisen world. But there is a reason behind Yaga being assigned the Grade 1 ranking, despite being such a formidable Jujutsu sorcerer.


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Masamichi Yaga’s Grade and Abilities in Jujutsu Kaisen

In addition to being a grade 1 jujutsu sorcerer, Masamichi Yaga served as the principal of Tokyo Jujutsu High. He was a cursed corpse user as well as Panda’s creator and father. Masamichi taught Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, and Shoko Ieiri in his second year of teaching before taking on the role of principal sometime after 2006. 

Masamichi Yaga
Masamichi Yaga

By the time Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko were in their sophomore year of high school, Masamichi was already an experienced grade 1 sorcerer. As the most skilled puppet jujutsu practitioner in Jujutsu Kaisen, he was the most adept sorcerer when it came to using cursed corpses. 


Masamichi created a large number of cursed bodies with a wide range of abilities. While some were used in battle, others served as a source of assistance or instruction for other sorcerers. Although Masamichi’s main skill was making puppets, he was also able to wipe out cursed spirits on his own. But still, he was only assigned a grade 1 ranking.

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Reason Behind Masamichi Yaga Getting a Grade 1 Ranking

Masamichi Yaga was a Grade 1 Sorcerer because of the threat posed by his Cursed Corpse. Unlike puppets, Cursed corpses cant be trusted as they have a soul and mind of their own just like Panda. The higher authorities believed that he might be able to build an army of sentient Cursed Corpses, which would be a threat if they develop a will of their own.


He raised Panda and created him, teaching him everything he knew about fighting and Cursed Energy with great care, but he developed his personality and thought process on his own.

Masamichi Yaga
Masamichi Yaga – Jujutsu Kaisen

Thus, in terms of Jujutsu Kaisen, Panda is the strongest of his creations. Besides his cursed corpses, he was a skilled close-quarters fighter who knew how to use his hands effectively. Because of his extensive understanding of Cursed Energy and Souls, Yaga was able to accomplish incredible things. 

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The only reason he was still a Grade 1 was because he could potentially create corpses as big as Panda. If he is promoted to the rank of special grade user, he will be out of control from the hands of Jujutsu higher ups just like Gojo Satoru. This could be a potential threat to the Jujutsu society as he can attack the Jujutsu world if they do not agree with him and dealing with him would be very difficult for the Jujutsu Kaisen society.


Written by Tarun Kohli

Articles Published: 1431

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