“Just never finish Game of Thrones ending”: George R.R. Martin Faces Unjust Wrath of Angry Fans Yet Again After Voicing Frustration Against Producer and Screenwriter

George R.R. Martin vents his frustration against the modern landscape of adaptations.

Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin
Credits: Wikimedia Commons / Julle


  • George R.R. Martin once again slams producers and screenwriters for taking great stories and straying away from the spirit of the original.
  • Despite his valid viewpoint, fans vented their frustrations towards the revered author following the delay in The Winds of Winter.
  • However, Martin agreed that there have been some notable exceptions, as he acknowledge the success of Shōgun.
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George R.R. Martin has been very critical of unfaithful adaptations of literature over the years, and in a recent blog post, the revered author once again vented his frustrations towards this practice. The Fire & Blood author slammed screenwriters and producers for being eager to make the stories their own by straying away from the original without improving upon them.


But despite his reasonable pushback towards this industry practice, Martin once again found himself in the crosshairs of fan outrage following the delay in his The Winds of Winter.

Fans Call Out George R.R. Martin Amidst His Complaints Against Adaptations

Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin
George R.R. Martin. Credits: Gage Skidmore/ Wikimedia Commons

It has been over a decade since A Dance with Dragons hit the shelves, and fans have been imploring the author for the sixth book in the series. While George R.R. Martin previously revealed that he had “another 400, 500 pages” to go, there has been little movement since.


This has ultimately led to fans calling out the author after he vented his frustrations towards the screenwriters and producers, who often disregard the source material while adapting, stressing “things have gotten worse”.

Jon Snow in Game of Thrones season 8
A still from Game of Thrones season 8 | HBO

He wrote:

Very little has changed since then. If anything, things have gotten worse. Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and ‘make them their own.’ It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone,

In response, fans shared their frustration towards the delay of the sixth book, with some even blaming Martin for Game of Thrones season 8, as there was no source for creators to go by.



But despite his complaints regarding the modern landscape surrounding adaptations of classic literature, the author expressed that there have been some exceptions.


George R.R. Martin Applauds Shōgun for Honoring the Source Material

While George R.R. Martin stressed “Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand” times adaptations are often a step down compared to the original, there have been some exceptions. One recent example is Shōgun, which Martin deemed “superb”, stating author James Clavell would’ve been pleased with what Rachel Kondo and Justin Marks achieved.

Adaptation of James Clavell's novel
A still from Shogun | FX

He said:

I was dubious when I first heard they were making another version of the Clavell novel. It has been a long time, a long long LONG time, but I read the book when it first came out in the late 70s and was mightily impressed. I am glad they did, though. The new ‘Shogun’ is superb… I think the author would have been pleased.  Both old and new screenwriters did honor to the source material, and gave us terrific adaptations, resisting the impulse to ‘make it their own

Another such instance occurred during HBO’s House of the Dragons, which ended up ameliorating King Viserys Targaryen‘s character in live-action compared to the books.


Shōgun is available to stream on Disney Plus.

Game of Thrones is available to stream on Max.


Written by Santanu Roy

Articles Published: 1552

Santanu Roy is a film enthusiast with a deep love for the medium of animation while also being obsessed with The Everly Brothers, Billy Joel, and The Platters. Having expertise in everything related to Batman, Santanu spends most of his time watching and learning films, with Martin Scorsese and Park Chan-wook being his personal favorites. Apart from pursuing a degree in animation, he also possesses a deep fondness for narrative-driven games and is currently a writer at Fandomwire with over 1500 articles.