Kotaku’s Editor-in-chief Fired By the Website’s Parent Company After Poor Performance Year-on-Year

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There is drama brewing over at the popular media news website called Kotaku. Its parent company, G/O Media, has reportedly fired the editor-in-chief, Patricia Hernandez, due to her terrible performance for the last two consecutive years. The chief has not ended her journey there silently, though, as while leaving, she has criticized the company’s overall management.


Additionally, the former Kotaku editor-in-chief says that she will now solely focus on freelance writing. On the other hand, there are also reports of another reason as to why she has been fired, which is over a personnel disagreement.

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Patricia Hernandez Announces Departure From Kotaku

Kotaku Reportedly Fires its Editor-in-Chief, Patricia Hernandez
Kotaku Reportedly Fires its Editor-in-Chief, Patricia Hernandez

The inside scoop was reported by the journalist Shannon Liao in an article called “Kotaku fires chief,” as she actually had a conversation with Patricia Hernandez about the whole scenario. This took place after Hernandez had already announced her departure from the company through a post on Twitter (or X), telling her audience about how she spent her last day at the popular website.

In her post, Hernandez refers to the situation as “Wild,” reminiscing about how she started working at Kotaku “a decade ago.” Furthermore, she continued that she “would wake up every morning at 6am” to come up with an idea for a “daily feature or original report” and then actually put it into words for the website. She ended the post by claiming that the website is quite possibly “G/O Media’s biggest site.”

Check out the original announcement by the former Kotaku chief, Hernandez, below:


During the conversation with Liao for the Updater newsletter, Hernandez admitted that the “leadership” over at Kotaku was “getting frustrated” at her because she was continuously writing about the universally acclaimed Tears of the Kingdom. According to her, aspects like these were limiting the rate at which things could “flourish” on the website. The parent company, G/O Media, still has not made any official statements or comments regarding the whole situation.

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What’s Next for the Former Kotaku Chief

Kotaku's Parent Company Reportedly had Disagreements With its Editor-in-Chief
Kotaku’s Parent Company Reportedly had Disagreements With its Editor-in-Chief

According to Liao’s newsletter Updater, the former Kotaku chief will put her complete focus on freelance writing. The newsletter has no further information regarding exactly what G/O Media and Patricia Hernandez disagreed so heavily about that it led to her ultimate dismissal. In a subsequent post on Twitter (or X), Hernandez had nothing but praise for her previous coworkers, calling them “supremely talented” and implying that the website’s rapid success was owed to their excellent dedication.


It’s clear that the former Kotaku chief is not going to stop writing anytime soon because, according to her, there are still plenty of “incredible stories” that she hasn’t been able to share with the world. Check out her second post below:

What do you think the reason could be for Kotaku to fire its editor-in-chief? Let us know in the comments!

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Written by Osama Farooq

Articles Published: 335

Extensively talking about everything pop culture is something Osama truly enjoys doing, so when it started to get a little annoying in person, he joined FandomWire and found a whole community to share his thoughts with. He consumes media in almost all forms, including linear story-based video games (The Last of Us), hip-hop/R&B music (The Weeknd), top-tier television (Better Call Saul), classic movies (Superbad), as well as reading books and watching anime.