“Luke used the force for that kick”: Mark Hamill’s Botched Fight Sequence in Return of the Jedi is Painful to Watch For Many Star Wars Fans

Mark Hamill Says 'Force Kick' But In Reality It's Just Poor Editing

Mark Hamill, Star Wars


  • In a Return of the Jedi fight scene, Mark Hamill - who plays Luke Skywalker - kicks an opponent in the head but it looks like a blooper because of the latter's late reaction.
  • Hamill deemed it as the use of Force kick which refers to a telekinesis attack minus the use of physical force.
  • While some fans are willing to play make-believe, others aren't nearly as convinced.
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Star Wars might’ve been famous for many things in the ’80s, like being a fan-favorite space adventure saga and launching the genre of science fiction into the pop culture orbit. Still, cinematic editing was certainly not one of them.

The Emperor (Palpatine) takes aim and uses Force lightning, which eminates from his fingertips, in order to strike down Luke Skywalker.
Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi (1983) | Lucasfilm Ltd.

If you revisit Return of the Jedi, you’ll see it for yourself as Mark Hamill tries to kick one of the adversaries in a fight sequence, but in vain, thanks to poor editing and choreography.

Mark Hamill’s Infamous ‘Force Kick’ – A Joke Without A Punchline

There’s no ounce of doubt that Mark Hamill was a stellar Luke Skywalker, but even one of the most indomitable Jedis is bound to have bad days. And perhaps that’s what happened in Richard Marquand’s Return of the Jedi when Hamill goes on to kick an opponent in a scene but ends up becoming the butt of a bad joke (or in this case, bad editing) instead.

Luke Skywalker using the force kick in Return of the Jedi
Luke Skywalker’s Force Kick | Lucasfilm Ltd.

In the 1983 film, when the Battle of the Great Pit of Carkoon takes place as Luke goes to rescue Han Solo, the former attempts to kick one of Jabba the Hutt’s lackeys in the head. But the henchman conspicuously reacts to the impact of the kick so late – when Hamill has already lowered his leg – that it looks more of a blooper than anything else, least of all a fight.

An X user called it a “two-second goof,” claiming that some fans would use the clip as an excuse to lambast Star Wars. And well, the comment section proves how, forty long years later, the scene is still comically painful to watch.

Four decades later, however, Hamill, came up with the perfect explanation (or cover-up).


How Bad Editing in Star Wars Turned Into the Force Kick 

While the Star Wars fandom had already construed the error as canon by deeming it a Force kick, Hamill, 72, hopped on social media last year to explicitly address the use of Force telekinesis (an attack that doesn’t require physical force) in the seemingly bungled fight sequence.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) | Lucasfilm Ltd.

Sure, something doesn’t become canonically validated simply because The Empire Strikes Back star acknowledged it as so or because fans claimed the same. But who knows, maybe Luke did use the Force kick after all and if you convince yourself enough, you might just believe it too.

It’s also imperative to note that technical genius wasn’t really a thing back in the ’80s so such flubs don’t herald the end of the world.


Return of the Jedi can be streamed on Disney+. 


Written by Khushi Shah

Articles Published: 778

With a prolific knowledge of everything pop culture and a strong penchant for writing, Khushi has penned over 700 articles during her time as an author at FandomWire.
An abnormal psychology student and an fervent reader of dark fiction, her most trusted soldiers are coffee and a good book.