Fans Who Loved the First Game Will Have a Major Hellblade 2 Complaint: “All the footage they have shown doesn’t indicate otherwise”

Hellblade 2 is somehow worse than the original in this aspect.

hellblade 2 game


  • Hellblade 2 features more cinematic combat with tightly choreographed duels, but reviewers say it lacks depth and enemy variety compared to the original.
  • The combat feels repetitive with only a few enemy types and limited upgrades for Senua, and the scripted sequences remove player agency from fights.
  • Despite some criticism of the combat, Hellblade 2 is still receiving mostly positive reviews for its visuals and sound design.
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The reviews for Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2, the long-awaited sequel to Ninja Theory’s critically acclaimed 2017 psychological thriller, are finally out. The first game captivated players with its accurate portrayal of mental illness and its innovative use of psychosis as a narrative device.


Combat in the original Hellblade was simplistic yet tense, but for Hellblade 2, the studio claimed an overhauled combat system that felt more visceral and complex. As it turns out, though, the sequel’s reviews tell a different story.

Hellblade 2 Reviews Point Out Unsatisfactory Combat

The sequel has been getting rave reviews for its graphics, but not so much for combat | Ninja Theory
The sequel has been getting rave reviews for its graphics, but not so much for combat | Ninja Theory

While the original Hellblade offered a mix of one-on-one and multi-enemy encounters, Hellblade 2 takes a different approach. Ditching the multi-enemy battles of the original, the sequel focuses on tightly choreographed duels, aiming to deliver a more cinematic combat experience.


This shift is visually impressive, with reviews noting weighty attacks and brutal finishing moves that showcase the power of Unreal Engine 5. However, a lack of enemy variety and a reliance on heavily scripted encounters drags it down. The combat, while visually appealing, seems to lack the depth and tactical complexity found in the first game.

Some critics also pointed out the repetitive nature of the encounters. With only a handful of enemy types and a limited upgrade system for Senua, the combat can become predictable and monotonous over time. Additionally, the focus on scripted sequences removes a lot of player agency from combat encounters.

Ninja Theory Fans Are Confused About The Downgrade

Fans are disappointed at Hellblade 2's combat being worse than the original | Ninja Theory
Fans are disappointed at Hellblade 2‘s combat being worse than the original | Ninja Theory

Gene Park from The Washington Post recently posted a tweet stating that Hellblade 2‘s combat is “even simpler” than the 2017 original, but looks “incredible” regardless. Several responders agreed, but were disappointed at the pared-back combat, despite Ninja Theory claiming a big improvement.



It’s baffling to many that Hellblade 2‘s combat has somehow been made even more simplistic than its predecessor. Usually, sequels are panned for barely evolving over the originals in some aspects, but for one to be somewhat inferior is a rare occurrence. Disappointment is valid, even more so when you consider Ninja Theory had access to far more advanced resources for the game.


It appears Ninja Theory’s heavy emphasis on visuals, animations, and motion capture may have hampered the combat from being as good as it could have been. While the game’s graphics are undeniably impressive, the gameplay is equally, if not more, important, and Ninja Theory may have fumbled that aspect.

Sequels sometimes feature minimal evolution from their predecessors, but outright downgrades are rare | Ninja Theory
Sequels sometimes barely evolve from their predecessors, but outright downgrades are rare | Ninja Theory

The critical reception for Hellblade 2 has been mostly positive, with a current Metacritic score of 81. Its visuals and sound design have been universally praised, and the developers have pushed the boundaries of what’s possible on current-gen hardware, creating a breathtaking world that’s every bit as immersive as it claims to be.

However, for some fans, the lack of engaging combat undermines the overall experience. Whether Hellblade 2‘s impressive visuals are enough to compensate for its shortcomings in combat is up to the court of public opinion, as fans start playing the game today.


Written by Viraaj Bhatnagar

Articles Published: 247

A lifelong gamer, lover of cars, and Master's student of Automotive Journalism, Viraaj Bhatnagar is a gaming writer at FandomWire who aims to be one of the greats. When he's not hunched over on his laptop typing out copy, he can be found lapping circuits in Gran Turismo or slaying draugr in God of War.