“Man you’re terrifying me with your eyes”: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Didn’t Get Much Right for the Franchise, But 1 Decision Was Proven to be the Best Thing in Years

The reboot trilogy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare made the right choice to bring back one iconic villain.

call of duty: modern warfare 3


  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 features the return of Vladimir Makarov.
  • The reboot trilogy had an underwhelming ending but got the performances right.
  • The fans had high expectations for the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot trilogy.
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Call of Duty has been around for the last two decades and has stood well against the test of time. After years of changes and improvements, a handful of developers contributed greatly to what it is today. Not every decision made was beneficial, especially in the Modern Warfare reboot.


Some things worked and others did not, but Sledgehammer Games made the right choice and reflected what made the original versions successful. There is no shame in looking back and borrowing ideas, and the fans hoped this final part of the trilogy was a home run.

Call of Duty Fans Are Still Impressed With the Return of One Villain

Vladimir Makarov made his comeback in the most epic way possible.
Vladimir Makarov made his comeback in the most epic way possible.

Among the many criticisms the gaming community had with the reboot trilogy and other recent entries is that the campaigns are weak and lackluster compared to earlier Call of Duty games. The final part of the reboot Modern Warfare trilogy was criticized for the short campaign, however, there are some good things to talk about like the classic villain being modernized.


The earlier version of the villain was drastically different from how the developers reimagined him for this reboot and it served the narrative well. Unfortunately, the return of Vladimir Makarov could not save the finale from valid criticisms from most fans.

Perhaps Raven Software and Treyarch Studios may want to rethink the strategy for this year’s installment and realize that the nostalgia factor of bringing back Raul Menendez, the iconic villain of Black Ops 2 will not be enough to protect the game from whatever backlash the gaming community has prepared.

The narrative needs to support the return of classic characters and not because the team is running out of ideas. Menendez and Makarov were two of the greatest villains the franchise had and it would be a disservice to put them on the sidelines for modern entries.


Call of Duty Needs to Stay True to the Core of the Franchise

The Call of Duty franchise needs to do better with newer installments.
The Call of Duty franchise needs to do better with newer installments.

No game is perfect but there are some good things the recent entries have offered like better and improved physics, graphics, and visuals which were a massive step up from earlier titles. Perhaps the developers will bring back what worked and leave the stuff that didn’t like a short and weak campaign.

The developers should always listen to the feedback and opinions of the community to avoid losing their interest. It is an impressive feat to remain relevant after two decades and Activision should not drop the ball now and risk losing everything they have built because they refuse to listen.

Modern Warfare 3 may have been a letdown and a disappointment for some but it should not overshadow the few great parts that deserve to be praised. The endearing and frightening performance of the motion capture actors and voice work should still applauded and although it may end on a weaker note, the gaming community should still be grateful for a decent reboot trilogy.


Perhaps future entries like Black Ops 6 will have a better campaign which was hinted at after a brief description and the combined efforts of two teams. Fans can be cautiously optimistic about the future.

What are your thoughts about Call of Duty? Let us know in the comments section below!


Written by Rouvin Josef Quirimit

Articles Published: 592

Rouvin is deeply fascinated by pop culture media ranging from comics, movies, TV shows and especially video games with a rich narrative.