Marvel Rivals PvE Events Needs to Take Inspiration From 1 MCU Moment that Can’t Be Bettered or Beaten, and Fans Want NetEase to Steal an Overwatch 2 Tactic to Make it Work

The MCU could have a positive influence on this game.

marvel rivals, overwatch 2


  • Fans are very eager to see what Marvel Rivals will offer besides the PvP mode.
  • Users on Reddit are beginning to make series about upcoming and possible PvE events that the game could have in the future.
  • A user commented that it would be a good idea to have a similar battle for New York event, like in The Avengers of the MCU.
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With the reveal that Marvel Rivals will also be coming to consoles, fans are very excited to see what this game will offer outside the classic PvP experience. With all the power and vast character roster that this brand has, the possibilities are unlimited. 


Some Reddit users are beginning to theorize about what kind of in-game events this title could have. One of the theories talks about how this game could be a battle for New York PvE event involving the Avengers, like in the MCU. This new NetEase IP will have a closed beta in July for consoles.

Marvel Rivals Could Take Note of Several Epic Moments of the MCU That Involved the Avengers

Marvel Rivals could have PvE content involving The Avengers.
Marvel Rivals could have PvE content involving The Avengers.

Besides the similarity with Overwatch, Marvel Rivals has surprised fans with its amazing visuals and combat. The game aims to harness the full potential of these characters for widespread popularity upon release. The focus of this new title is on PvP battles with teams of six heroes, all part of this vast universe. NetEase is developing the game, which will offer a free-to-play experience. It will be available for the Xbox Series S/X, PS5, and PC.


This new IP has quickly become popular among all the fans of Marvel characters. In a recent Reddit post, a user has been planning some possible PvE content that will be a good addition to the game.

byu/Eizuru from discussion

Despite the fact that the game has not yet released, this user believes that these possibilities present a significant opportunity to capitalize on an epic moment in the MCU involving The Avengers.


The Battle for New York Could Be One of Many Pve In-Game Missions

Fans are planning epic MCU moments like the battle for New York.
Fans are planning epic MCU moments like the battle for New York.

The user continued to talk about what kind of content these PvE missions could add to the game’s experience. Using key moments from the MCU, such as the battle for New York, this new IP could incorporate limited-time PVE events, which could provide additional motivation for players to continue playing. This user even said that it would be a good idea to have seasonal events with their own names, like Fortnite and all the chapters and episodes that it has.

Other users agreed with this idea and asked for PvE missions involving past moments with certain characters against AI enemies. Marvel Rivals could feature an unlimited number of events that draw from the extensive stories found in the comics about these popular superheroes. At the moment, the studio has not revealed what kind of battle pass or seasonal content it will have in the future. One of the obvious choices will be that the game will have a store to buy skins for the characters.

Last month, PC users were able to participate in a closed beta of the game, and the majority of players who could try this title praised the combat and the main gameplay elements. In the recent State of Play from PlayStation, NetEase confirmed that the game will be available on consoles and that it will have a closed beta for these platforms in July. Marvel fans are very excited to see all the potential that this new IP will have.


What are your thoughts about possible PvE content? Let us know in the comments!


Written by Lucas Lapetina

Articles Published: 647

I'm a big fan of movies and videogames in general. I really love Pokémon and Godzilla. One of my favorite games is The Last of Us, Part II. A compelling and well-written story is always welcome.