Masashi Kishimoto Reveals He Did One Thing Different With Naruto That Makes it Superior to Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece

Masashi Kishimoto Explained Why Naruto is a Better Anime Than One Piece.

Masashi Kishimoto Reveals He Did One Thing Different With Naruto That Makes it Superior to Eiichiro Oda's One Piece


  • Numerous manga creators have drawn inspiration from Naruto and One Piece, two of the most popular anime and manga series ever.
  • There was a fierce rivalry between One Piece and Naruto when they first started, with fans debating, which was superior.
  • Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, once stated that one thing that distinguished his work from One Piece and was the sole reason why many people thought Naruto was superior to One Piece.
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Some of the biggest anime and manga series of all time, Naruto and One Piece have been an inspiration for many manga creators who learned from Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichiro Oda to the extent that many of them even created their characters after being inspired by their work and what it has achieved over the years.

Naruto vs Luffy
Naruto and One Piece

When One Piece and Naruto started, they were a tough competition for each other and developed a rivalry about which one was better, and this rivalry has been going on since then. To this day, many One Piece and Naruto fans fight amongst themselves about which series is better than the other.

While both of these series are based on entirely different genres and themes, they still compete to this day about which is superior. Kishimoto, the creator of Naruto, once revealed the one thing that differentiated his work from One Piece was the only reason why many believed that Naruto was superior to One Piece.


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The Major Difference Between Naruto and One Piece

In an interview that was published in Jump Versus on March 22, 2013, Masashi Kishimoto, the creator of the Naruto series, discussed the distinctions between his work and One Piece. Given that none of the characters in One Piece die, Kishimoto called the story lighthearted and stated that, upon witnessing this, he concluded that Naruto ought to take a different route. 

This is because Oda has previously stated that he dislikes the death of characters, and that is because he always wants to have elaborate celebrations when his storylines come to an end. Kishimoto decided to take a different route for his series, one that included the deaths of several significant characters. 

Naruto vs. Gear 5 Luffy
Naruto vs One Piece

Kishimoto realized that what One Piece was doing was excellent and that if he had followed suit, he would have become just another generic manga creator. This was the major distinction between One Piece and Naruto, and it essentially worked better for Kishimoto than he realized.

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Masashi Kishimoto Said Killing Off Characters Helped Naruto in a Major Way

Compared to One Piece, Naruto has a lot more deaths in the story involving major characters such as Jiraiya and Neji Hyuga. While it is a sad and depressing aspect to move the story forward, it does help Naruto to connect more with its audience emotionally, and it helps the audience to get ready for worse things in the future.

Jiraiya's death in Naruto anime
Jiraiya’s death in Naruto anime

While Naruto features a lot of deaths, it does have a habit of bringing back some of these characters to the storyline, as evidenced by the Fourth Great Ninja War. This also packs a hugely exciting moment for fans as they get to see some of their favorite characters back in action.

Read More: One Piece: Eiichiro Oda Must Not Repeat Naruto Saving Might Guy Mistake by Not Sacrificing a Straw Hat Member in Final Saga

Nevertheless, both series have built up a huge fan following that has loved and supported the series so much and has placed them at the pinnacle of the anime industry. Both Naruto and One Piece are majorly different and have their ways of attracting viewers and making them fall in love with either their characters, their storylines, or their animation.


Written by Tarun Kohli

Articles Published: 1238

Konichiwa! With a Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and a 2-year experience in Digital media writing, I am on my way to becoming one of the biggest anime content writers in my country. My passion for writing and Anime has helped me connect with Fandomwire, and share my love and experience with the world.