Matt Damon Took Things Too Far, Lived Like a Police Officer and Raided Criminal’s House in Real Life For a Movie That Won 4 Oscars

Matt Damon Took Things Too Far, Lived Like a Police Officer and Raided Criminal’s House in Real Life For a Movie That Won 4 Oscars
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Matt Damon’s phenomenal performance in the 4-time Academy Award-winning The Departed wasn’t solely due to his acting skills, his personal interactions with law enforcement also played a role in his portrayal of Colin Sullivan. Going beyond his acting skills, Damon elevated his approach by immersing himself in the world of real police officers, participating in their daily routines. Consequently, when an opportunity arose for the police to conduct a raid on a criminal’s residence, Damon eagerly joined in to improve his understanding of the role and appear more believable.

Matt Damon in the Departed
Matt Damon in The Departed

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Matt Damon Raided a Real “Crack House” for the Role

For his role in The Departed, Matt Damon underwent extensive police training, encompassing both physical exercises and hands-on field training. In an interview with the YouTube channel ScreenSlam, the actor recounted his firsthand experience collaborating with actual law enforcement professionals. He recalled,


“I went on ride-alongs with them [the police] and spent a lot of time with them, Having dinners and lunches, and meeting their families, and then going to work with them”

Matt Damon
Matt Damon

He then elaborated on an incident where he had to tag along with officers to bust a criminal. He continued by saying,

“Going on a raid of a crack house, and watching the guys hit the crack house, and how they do it,–Just spending a lot of time trying to absorb that culture so that ultimately I’d be believable as like, one of those guys.”

While Damon’s character involved portraying an imposter within the ranks of law enforcement, his real-life encounters significantly contributed to capturing the essence of the role. These experiences were instrumental in enabling him to effectively depict a character pretending to be a police officer on screen.

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Leonardo Dicaprio Had a Tough Time Figuring Out Which Character Suited Him the Best, Billy or Colin

Being one of the first actors to join the cast of The Departed, Leonardo DiCaprio had to face making some big decisions about his character, deciding the one he would like to play, to begin with. Faced with the challenge of choosing between the roles of Billy Costigan and Colin Sullivan, both of whom were imposters within the storyline, the actor encountered difficulty in determining which character would be the best fit for him.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio

To navigate this dilemma, director Martin Scorsese took the reins and made the crucial decision. Consequently, Billy Costigan’s role was assigned to DiCaprio, leaving the character of Colin Sullivan for Matt Damon. This choice ultimately shaped the course of the film, with DiCaprio’s portrayal of Costigan and the casting of Damon as Sullivan defining the dynamics of the character’s dual identities within the narrative.

In the end, the movie emerged victorious, securing four Oscars across distinct categories, Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Film Editing, with each award highlighting the exceptional work of both the cast and the crew.


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The Departed is available on Netflix to stream.

Source: ScreenSlam


Written by Sampurna Banerjee

Articles Published: 835

Sampurna Banerjee, an ardent enthusiast of pop culture and movies, pours her passion into her role as a writer for FandomWire. With a penchant for Marvel, DC, and sitcoms, she has contributed over 400 articles, staying up-to-date to the entertainment industry's latest buzz. Moreover, she's penned over 300 articles for Animated Times and shared her work across several Instagram pages. Currently she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Calcutta University.