“This is completely unfair”: Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid Highlights Biggest Drawback with Pokemon Go in Today’s Gaming Landscape

Niantic is not cooking with the Elite Raids.

mega rayquaza elite raid


  • The recent Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid probably hasn't gotten the reaction Niantic expected.
  • Players have expressed widespread discontent with many aspects of the event.
  • This feedback should give a loud and clear signal to Niantic that they need to change how these events work.
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The recent Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid is frustrating Pokemon GO players. Unlike other Raid Days, which allowed remote participation, these Elite Raids require in-person attendance. This has made it a challenge for players in rural areas or those with small local communities. 


Players have reported that their experience with this event has led them to question the developers’ decisions and even uninstall the game. It remains to be seen how Niantic will address these concerns and adapt future events to accommodate all players better. 

The Pokemon GO Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid is Not Making Players Happy

Pokemon GO logo.
The Pokemon GO Mega Rayquaza Elite Raid is not getting a good reception. | Image Credit: Niantic

The introduction of Mega Rayquaza as an Elite Raid in the latest Pokemon GO event instead of a standard Mega Raid has been criticized for several reasons.


Elite Raids require more players due to their higher difficulty and must be completed in person, limiting the ability of players to participate remotely. 

This has been particularly problematic for those in smaller or less active communities, where gathering a large enough group is nearly impossible.

Players have expressed their discontent on various platforms, highlighting the impracticality of finding the required number of participants.


For instance, a user on Reddit shared their experience of attending five Mega Rayquaza Raids without encountering a single other player. 

This starkly contrasts with Niantic’s intention to make these raids special and rare, as it ultimately alienates a significant portion of the player base who cannot easily gather large groups.

One player from a rural UK area lamented the lack of active players and nearby gyms, making it virtually impossible to gather the seven or more participants needed for these elite battles. 


Another player shared a similar experience, noting the difficulty of engaging in the raid even in more populated areas.

Despite the presence of numerous scheduled raids, the rigid in-person requirement meant that many potential participants were unavailable at the designated times. 

Niantic Might Need to Go Back to The Drawing Board

Mega Rayquaza flying in the sky.
Niantic has to change how these events are planned. | Image Credit: Niantic

Unlike other Pokemon GO events that span a weekend or several days, the Mega Rayquaza event was limited to a single day, exacerbating the difficulty for those unable to play during that specific timeframe.

byu/PackOfPixels from discussion

The complaints highlight a broader issue within Pokemon GO‘s current raid system, especially for those who cannot easily access populated areas or gather large groups. 

This has been a growing trend with the game in recent times. There has been a growing number of cases where Niantic has made some choices that players haven’t received well.

In response to these issues, players have suggested various improvements. Some have called for the return of Remote Raid Passes for Elite Raids or an adjustment in the difficulty level to make them more accessible for smaller groups. 


Others have recommended extending the raid durations or increasing the frequency of raids to provide more opportunities for participation.

Ultimately, the complaints with the Pokemon GO Mega Rayquaza Elite Raids show a need for Niantic to reevaluate how they design and implement these events. 

What do you think about these raids being difficult to access for many players? Let us know in the comments what you think!


Written by Daniel Royte

Articles Published: 124

Daniel is a gamer through and through with a passion for gaming in his veins. His current adventures have taken him into the world of Elden Ring, Wuthering Waves, and Genshin Impact, amongst others.