“This mod is insane”: Broken and OP Mod Can Be Used by Every Character in The First Descendant and Puts You in Easy Mode for Farming (and Damage)

The extra damage would be nice.

the first descendant


  • A player discovered that the Multitalented mod in The First Descendant gives an enormous buff to damage range.
  • While at first thought that the mod is meta for Bunny, it seems that it is good for other characters as well.
  • Players are reeling in to share their experience and are further experimenting with other characters.
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The First Descendant is a cooperative third-person shooter RPG by Nexon. The game offers an array of different mods to improve gameplay, but few have kept players on their toes like the Multitalented mod. 


The particular mod boosts damage output to an immense number, making it a game-changer for both farming and dealing damage. Initially, it was discovered that it suits the Bunny character; however, it can apparently suit every character in Nexon’s new shooter, and players can’t hold their reactions.

Multitalented Mod Is Meta in The First Descendant


The Multitalented mod in The First Descendant boosts damage output to unimaginable numbers. If done right, it can increase damage by 30% for five seconds whenever a singular ability is cast. This further enables quick resource farming and rather easy boss battles.


Initially discovered to be effective for the Bunny character, it has been found that it can be beneficial for almost all Descendants. 

The Multitalented mod is easy to build, requiring only five levels to reach its peak power, making it accessible to all players. 

When using the Dimension Active Skill, it reduces the skill cooldown by 5% for five seconds. Using the Fusion Active Skill decreases skill cost by 4% and duration by 4% for five seconds.


The Tech Active Skill increases skill range and power modifier by 9% for five seconds. The Singular Active Skill increases all attribute damage by 8% for five seconds. Only one of these effects is applied at a time.

When you use a singular skill, you get a five-second buff that increases all elemental and non-elemental skill power modifiers by 30%. Using it with skill simplification or focusing on singular mods adds 30% bonus like other attack mods. 

While The First Descendant has many different modules, it seems that the Multitalented mod is the current meta as it suits almost every character in the game. 


Bunny Isn’t the Only One to Benefit From the Multitalented Mod in The First Descendant 

The First Descendant characters promotional picture
The First Descendant features a fast array of characters and mods. | Credit: Nexon

The Multitalented mod makes Bunny one of the best characters in the game, boosting her damage output to the 1.5-1.6 range from the previous 1.2-1.3 million. 

The player who discovered the particular increase in damage range is calling it insane and saying that makes Bunny and another character, Gley, broken.

Multitalented mod is OP broken on every descendants, especially on Bunny and Gley.
byu/Budget-Ocelots inTheFirstDescendant

However, other players are churning in with their own builds around the same module for other characters. While many are saying the same thing, some don’t believe that the mod is that powerful. 

byu/Budget-Ocelots from discussion

One player, in particular, has said that it is just okay for Gley and good for Bunny, while some other characters benefit from the mod’s perks. 

The First Descendant is Nexon’s new game and has quickly gained popularity, partly thanks to explosive action combat, and the Multitalented mod is the prime example of the meta. New players are always jumping into the game, while others return to experiment with new updates and changes.

What are your thoughts on The First Descendant? Does it have what it takes to claim the top spot in the genre? Let us know in the comments below.


Written by Nikola Pajtic

Articles Published: 69

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or video game, and watching new Doctor Who episodes.